FlowerBomb TV Is Making Waves in the Art Industry

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(Newswire.net — November 26, 2020) — Nobody has ever said that working in the healthcare field is easy. Particularly with everything that is going on right now, it is easy to see why so many healthcare professionals feel a bit stressed out. Therefore, it is important for everyone to make sure they are appreciative of everything that our healthcare heroes do and this includes FlowerBomb TV. FlowerBomb TV, who also goes by the name Dara G, is a nurse who used to work in the NICU. The NICU is a place for newborn babies who have either been born too early or who have chronic medical conditions that prevent them from going home.

For Dara G, working in the NICU was incredibly fulfilling. She enjoyed her time helping parents sort through the challenges, trials, and tribulations of having a newborn baby who might not yet be ready to go home. At the same time, even though this was fulfilling work, there were times of sadness as well. Not every baby in the NICU got to go home and some of them, sadly, passed away due to their medical conditions before they were even able to leave the hospital. Understandably, people who deal with this type of work on a regular basis need to have a way to cope. For Dara G, this was art.

This is where the brand of FlowerBomb TV was born. She used her emotions to drive her work forward. She would express herself in any way, shape, or form she felt was appropriate. This helped her process everything that she was seeing on a daily basis which, in turn, allowed her to become an even better nurse. This was one of her favorite hobbies and she decided to share it with the world. This led to her developing a massive following on Instagram as well.

As happens so often in the medical field, there came a point when FlowerBomb TV decided that enough was enough. She needed to transition out of the NICU and into something else. Often, medical professionals who need a change of pace simply find somewhere else to work in the healthcare field. For FlowerBomb TV, she decided that she was going to pursue art full time. Even though she is still relatively new to this field, she is dedicating herself to pursuing her talents in the field of art as far as they will take her. With eager anticipation, the world is waiting to see what FlowerBomb TV does next. For her, the sky is the limit.