US Employers Commercial Property Owners Pandemic Relief Calculator Tool Launched

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A tax relief calculator has been launched for US employers and commercial property owners. Tax Credits for Employers explains people can access the pandemic relief fund to help their business.

A new eligibility calculator has been launched online to help US employers and commercial property owners quickly establish the tax credit relief they are entitled to. The Tax Credits for Employers team explain the software they use enables them to search hundreds of local, state, and federal tax credits instantly.

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The newly launched eligibility calculator tool is designed to support business owners and commercial property owners who have been negatively impacted by the global pandemic. The team explain many employers may be unaware they are entitled to receive relief and support to help them recover financially.

For instance, the team explain there is relief available to employers who hire qualified employees, as well as relief for businesses in qualified industries that retain existing employees. In addition, there is a relief program open for qualified employees who were hired prior to the pandemic.

Applicants are asked a series of simple questions to help the team establish the level of relief the client may be entitled to. The Tax Credits for Employers team are experienced and have worked with manufacturers, technical employers, enterprise zone clients, start-up business owners, and small businesses.

A discovery call can be arranged to help clients navigate tax credit relief and find out more about the support available to them. The team explain they are focused on saving their clients’ money through tax relief, whether to help individuals or companies reduce their tax bill.

The team understand the economic impact of the pandemic has taken its toll on small business owners and continues to affect people locally and globally. They explain their aim is to help people to recover so they can focus on operating under business as usual terms and get their operations back to full capacity.

A spokesperson said: “We can help you calculate your COVID relief eligibility in 60 seconds regardless of your situation or the challenges you are facing. Emergency employer relief is here, and it can help you.”

To find out more, interested parties are invited to visit the link provided.