How To Stack Your Cigar Collection in a Humidor Cabinet?

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( — December 1, 2020) —  Cigar Is one of the most sold things in the whole world. Most of the people just bought a cigar and just puffed it. But certain people are more of a store type. Those kinds of people prefer to store his cigar and use it in any occasion and don’t want to run out of cigar when he needs them most. But stacking cigar isn’t a typical job. It’s not like you just put it anywhere, and your cigar is good as new. A humidor cabinet can help you store all the cigars in one place and keep them organized and fresh. Today we are going to discuss some of the common questions that people often ask and will try to discuss them, and if you are looking for a fresh brand new stylish humidor cabinet and want to have a collection of your cigar, then you can check out They offer a large variety of humidor cabinet in every price segment. So be sure to check them out.

Can you mix all your cigars in a Humidor cabinet?

Mixing cigar is entirely regular, and some people even do it intentionally. Cigar lovers have cigars of both strong flavour and mild flavour. Cigars act as a sponge. If you put the stronger and softer cigar together, then they will share the flavour and test of one another. This effect becomes noticeable when you are preserving cigar for more than a year. Some people prefer the taste of it, and some don’t. But there are always options for the separation of all cigars. You can organize all cigars and keep the flavour intact of every cigar.

Is it safe to store flavoured cigar in humidor cabinet?

Most of the time, people suggest not to share your milder cigar storage with the flavoured ones. It is recommended to keep all the flavoured cigar away from the non-flavoured cigar. Because the flavoured cigar infused with oil and they are not friendly to natural tobacco. A single stick of flavoured cigar can cause a lot of damage to all your non-flavoured cigar even for a short amount of time. You can also face the problem of smelling all the non-flavoured cigar like the flavoured one in the upcoming future because the electric humidors tend to absorb all the flavour from the cigar. So make sure to keep all the flavoured cigar separate from the non-flavoured one in a chamber.

Cellophone or noncellophone?

It is the best decision to take the cellophane off. If you are planning to keep the cigar store for a long time, then keeping the cellophane off might be the best option for you. If you remove the cellophane of the cigar, then the natural scent of the cigar is going to spread, and the cigar will feel more premium. But if you are planning to travel for a long mile, then it is best to keep the cellophane.

Rotate your cigar

If you are planning to stack a pile of cigar for a long time, then it is best to rotate your cigar after some days or maybe a week. It is not ideal for keeping the cigar in the same position all the time. So try to change their positions after some times.

Leave some space

Always try to leave some space on the humidor cabinet. Try to maintain at least 20-25% space free on the cabinet. That helps to keep the cigars fresh for a long time.