(Newswire.net — December 6, 2020) — Ongoing research by the Live-In Care Hub, a not-for-profit organisation committed to raising the quality of elderly care, has revealed that 95% of elderly people would rather stay in their own homes than move to a residential care home when they become unable to care for themselves.
The Live-in Care Hub is dedicated to raising awareness of a better type of care for older people – care at home provided by a professional carer. Their “Better At Home” report also revealed that 81 percent of older people with a professional live-in carer felt they could have all the food and drink they wanted, when they wanted, compared to just 66 percent of elderly people living in residential care homes. The report further revealed that 33 per cent of those in residential care never leave the home (even when they are capable of doing so), compared with just 21 percent of people being cared for at home.
As we’ve seen during the coronavirus pandemic it is also much easier for older people being cared for at home to keep in touch with their friends and relatives, with none of the restrictions imposed on visits that were observed during the early months of the pandemic. Restrictions that had a devastating effect on the mental health and physical well-being of so many older people in our communities.
Quality of Life for our Elderly Population
Quality of life for the elderly is enriched by the freedom they have when cared for in their own home: freedom to choose a favourite meal and help prepare it if they are able. Freedom to watch their favourite films or TV programmes; or listen to the music or radio station they prefer. Of course, they can also spend as much time as they want with friends, family or a much-loved pet. The report also revealed that some residents of care homes have been unable to take their pet to the care home, resulting in the traumatic event of pets having to be put to sleep. Live-in care, on the other hand, provides a much less restrictive environment all round for the elderly and frail than that found in a residential care home or nursing home.
Less restrictions do not mean a lower quality of care but, in fact, quite the opposite. A live-in carer is dedicated solely to the person (or sometimes couple) they are caring for. That means they have more time for the little things in life that make such a difference to quality of life. Playing a game together, sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine together or simply enjoying tea and cake together.
And because a professional carer has more time to devote to their client with round the clock care, the older person is far less likely to suffer from the most common incidents seen amongst ageing people in residential care homes such as falls and urinary tract infections. The Live-in Care Hub Better At Home report statistics revealed that those receiving care at home experience a third fewer falls and only a quarter of the hip fractures of those in an institutional care setting. The analysis of falls and their outcomes (including hip fracture rates) came from Live-in Care Hub anonymised client data that was collected over a total of 1,498 person-years.
The Live-in Care Hub’s Vision
With all the disturbing stories recently being reported in the press about the ability of residential care homes to prevent the spread of virulent infections, it is clear that good alternatives are required for all elderly people in our society. And the Live-In Care Hub’s vision is to enlighten everyone on the benefits of live-in care, which has become even more important than ever for the health and well-being of our elderly population as the dangers present in care homes during situations like the coronavirus pandemic have thrown a spotlight on their shortcomings.
As a non-profit organisation aimed at ensuring a better quality of life for all old people it has become paramount that individuals, their family members, doctors, social care workers and hospital discharge teams are aware of the option of live-in care. And aware that it could be available to all if council funded care home places were instead replaced with care at home by trained, professional carers visiting or living in the home of the person requiring care. For too long care homes have been seen as the only choice for elderly people requiring care, or, at least, the only affordable choice. Yet with the rising cost of care home places for both councils and those paying for their own care this model is now clearly flawed.
When care is required for a couple living together then live-in care becomes even more affordable than 2 separate residential care or nursing home places. It ensures couples are able to stay together in the home they’ve created and loved over many years and receive the high level of care quality that everyone deserves in later life. There can be nothing better than living your last years surrounded by the comfort of your own home.
Dominique Kent, Joint Founder of the Live-In Care Hub, commented “We are here to guide families in an honest, impartial way through all their options for elderly care. We offer a care alternative that challenges the traditional view that care homes are the only answer for elderly people unable to care for themselves anymore. Our Better At Home Report reveals that care in their own home is preferable for almost all elderly people. Our mission is to raise awareness of live-in care as a better alternative to a care home through this report and through our website, which offers practical tips, advice and support to those seeking elderly care for themselves or a relative.”
The Live-In Care Hub’s Better At Home Report is available to view or download from www.liveincarehub.co.uk.