(Newswire.net — December 6, 2020) — Work-life balance is all about carving out the appropriate time for the personal as well as professional life of an employee. Many small and start-ups companies are trying to maintain a work-life balance to attract young talent. Work-life balance is all about how a company will be able to achieve maximum productivity at a reasonable pace without disturbing the personal life and lifestyle of employees. Work-life balance is essential for obtaining valuable contributions from employees as well as for optimum productivity.
Following are some important aspects related to the maintenance of work-life balance:
Flexible and remote working: Flexible work is very essential for promoting work-life balance and for that the manager of the company should trust their team and should have faith in their employees that they will manage their work no matter when, where, and how they will work. Every employee values those employers who empower them to manage their own time.
Ergonomically designed workstations – Design of the workstations play a vital part in employee productivity. You should gain more info in this genre while making sitting and working arrangements for the employees.
Focus on productivity instead of hours: A company should encourage their manager to concentrate on the competition of a task rather than calculating how many hours the employee works. If the employee needs to work for long hours on someday to complete a task then they should be set free the other day when there is no urgent work.
Encourage breaks: An employee should be allowed to take a break or take a walk during their work. Sometimes an employee should also be allowed to work in an entirely different part of the office or a spare desk as team chattering and phone can be overwhelming for them and taking a break for some time can be a healthy practice for the employee.
Lead by example: Every company should have managers and senior leadership who themself enjoy a healthy work-life balance. For example, they should leave the office on time, take breaks, not emailing workers out of the office, expecting their team members to deliver work in unworkable time only if it is very urgent.
Foster creativity: Apart from physical fitness a company should also encourage its employees to maintain a healthy mental fitness. When a company gives their employee time and space for pursuing a creative project it will not help to foster a better sense of work-life balance but it also enables them to think out of the box which will ultimately benefit the company in the long run.
Encourage efficient work: The manager of the company should encourage efficient works rather than work for more hours. Working for long hours can damage the morale of the employee and hence instead of encouraging the employee to work for long hours it is always better to encourage the workers to work more efficiently for the company. Working efficiently will not only solicit better quality of work but it will also keep the morale of the employee high.
Educate employees: A company should organize seminars that teach what work-life balance is, why it is important for employees, and what are the things that an employee can do for achieving work-life balance. For this, the company can host a seminar themselves or take a webinar, or can hire a professional.
Although, no companies can provide 100% work-life balance to their employees, still a company can do many things for helping their employees to maintain the right balance between personal and professional lives.