How To Develop Your Own Currency Portfolio

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( — December 8, 2020) — Have you tried to develop your own currency portfolio? Were you successful? According to modern research, sixty percent of those who try creating their portfolios end up failing.  It is because of this reason we saw fit to bring you a step by step guidance in developing one by yourself.

What most people fail to understand is that cryptocurrency is no different from any other investment decision. How you plan will determine your success. If you are keen enough, you may walk away with more than just a definition from this article.

What is a Currency Portfolio?

A currency portfolio is a record containing all your assets in cryptocurrencies. Buy bitcoins now and start building your portfolio. Since it is a diversified system, there are other currency options other than bitcoins to invest in.

How Does it Work?

To most people, this portfolio is more of an investment project. It is because how you decide to allocate your resources will most likely determine your profits. Ideally, you need to invest more in stable currencies; all the planning is your responsibility.

Diversification is a word that entirely describes the composition of your assets. Please avoid investing in one cryptocurrency; that is like putting all your eggs in one basket. Try and spread out your partner to reduce the impact felt on losses.

Portfolio of Cryptocurrencies

In this section, we will expound more on the vast options of currencies available to invest. We hope that by enlightening on the various types of cryptocurrencies, you will have a better chance to develop your own currency portfolio.

Major Currencies


From our point of view, bitcoin should top every currency portfolio. Buying bitcoins with a credit card is one of its selling points and gives it an advantage over competing prospects. Also, it brags about having the most vendors willing to take it as a measure of value.


Ethereum is among the few currencies that show the potential to grow. Although there is quite a gap between it and the party above it, we still believe it can rise to the ranks of bitcoin.

Zombie Currencies

Bitcoin Cash

A few years back, critics claimed that bitcoin cash was the next big thing. Since it was the modified version of bitcoin, we all knew that its effect on the economy would stick. However, for one reason or the other, it missed its window of opportunity resulting in rare interaction. Investing your assets in this economy is not the best idea.

Ethereum Classic

Generally, ethereum classic is the key competitor to ethereum. However, when comparing the two, the latter holds an advantage in investment returns. The initial introduction to the currency was that it was to be the silver to bitcoins gold. Be wise while including this currency in your plan to develop your own currency portfolio.

Platform Currencies

The type of currencies found under this classification are those that exist to serve a specific platform. Most of the time, you will find that companies investing in this field are trying to solve a particular problem. They include;

  • Ripple (XRP)
  • NEM (NEM)
  • NEO (NEO)
  • Dash (DASH)

Anonymous Currencies

There also exist currencies which maximize on keeping parties involved in a transaction anonymous. Of course, they will hide your identity but at an extra cost. They include;

  • Zcash (ZEC)
  • Monero (XMR)

Steps on How to Develop Your Own Currency Portfolio

Decide on Asset Allocation

The first step on how to develop your own currency portfolio is to determine the correct asset allocation. Since there are numerous options available, we urge you to diversify your selection as much as you can. Doing this is the only way to evade risks and maintain decent returns.

Achieve the Portfolio

Next, in our quest to develop your own currency profile, divide your resources into the framework created in step one. Kindly ensure that each allocation is as stated, and evaluate it once completion. The goal of the evaluation is to ensure that it meets your desired outcome; if not, you are open to changes.

Reassessing Your Portfolios weight

Since the values of the currencies are not consistent, after some time, you will have to balance your portfolio. Balancing means that you make changes according to the recent market trends. To balance correctly, focus on the over and under-weight prospects.

Rebalancing the Portfolio

In the previous step, we were all about identifying which party tips the see-saw. After concluding which sections require adjustments, it now comes to the adjusting part. We urge that before completing this step, you consider tax rates within your region and make the necessary adjustments.


Purchase bitcoins and start building your portfolio from scratch. If you are vital in following our guide on how to develop your own currency portfolio, nothing can stop you. Always remember that diversification is the key to maximizing profits. Kindly reach out to us for any clarifications or additional advice.