Tom Chang MD: 7 Best Foods For Your Eye Health

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( — December 11, 2020) —

Poor eyesight is generally believed to be the result of genetic defects or old age. While this belief is not entirely wrong, it does not allow room for the consideration of other causes of poor eyesight,” says Tom Chang, MD. The truth is that we now have significant knowledge of the best ways to protect our eyes. According to Dr. Tom Chang MD, we can avoid or manage several age-related eye cases with a proper diet.

Dr. Tom S Chang explains that it is essential to include foods that boost eye health in our daily diets. Tom Chang MD noted that studies have proven that certain nutrients reduce the risk of eye decline if consumed frequently. Knowing what to eat may make all the difference in the quality of eyesight you enjoy as you grow older.

 Tom Chang MD Fish


Omega 3 fatty acids are a must-have nutrient for healthy eyes. Fortunately, several different types of fish are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Some examples of fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids are tuna, salmon, mackerel, and trout. Tom Chang MD notes that a regular diet of fish helps maintain eye health.

Similarly, fish diets have been known to reverse dry eye syndrome Dr. Tom S. Chang stated that the digital nature of our world has affected our eyes considerably. He noted that it was necessary to find organic ways to adapt to the changes in our society.

Citrus fruits are excellent foods for the eyes. Lemons, oranges, and grapefruits are all great food sources for preserving eye health, according to Tom Chang MD. Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, Vitamin E, and antioxidants. Tom Chang MD mentions that the nutrients in citrus help prevent eye damage that comes with age. He explains that vitamin C helps build collagen, which provides the structure of the cornea. According to Dr. Tom S. Chang, higher levels of citrus can have a profound effect on the eyes.



Tom Chang MD notes that healthy diets should include vitamin A and carrots are a great source of this vitamin.  According to Chang, beta carotene, and vitamin A are very useful in preventing eye infections and other possible eye conditions. Dr. Chang also mentions that vitamin A is essential for producing rod and cone cells in the eyes.

Dr. Tom S. Chang encourages patients to eat carrots as snacks or in salads and soups. Whichever way you decide to have your carrots, it is vital to incorporate carrots into your diet for healthy eyes..


Meat and Poultry

Dr. Tom S. Chang explains that foods like beef, pork, and chicken contain zinc. According to Dr. Tom S. Chang, evidence shows that zinc can help prevent age-related macular degeneration or AMD. Beef in particular contains the highest concentration of zinc. It is advisable to avoid excessive amounts of beef, but a moderate beef diet goes a long way in preserving eyesight. There are high levels of zinc in the eye and specifically in the retina. Tom Chang MD mentions that including zinc in your diet boosts the levels of zinc in the retina. He says that this zinc intake may support improved eyesight and prevent vision loss.



Dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, and collard greens are excellent eye foods. Dr. Tom Chang notes greens like kale have high levels of antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin. According to him, these antioxidants help shield the eye from damaging light and are located in the macula. He mentions that lutein, in particular, allows the eye to filter blue light. Constant eye contact with digital screens is responsible for a faster decline in the eyesight of some people. Including kale in your diet supplies antioxidants that protect the eyes and increase blood flow to your eyes. Dr. Chang also suggests that pairing kale with olive oil may increase the rate of absorption.



According to Dr. Tom Chang, vitamin E is also an essential nutrient required to prevent eye decline. He suggests almonds as a good source of vitamin E. Dr. Tom Chang explains that studies have shown that people with large dietary intakes of vitamin E have a lower chance of developing AMD. He recommends a daily intake of about 2 ounces of almonds daily. If almonds are not readily available, Dr. Chang also recommends sunflower seeds.



Dr. Tom Chang’s final food suggestion is tomatoes. According to him, tomatoes have healthy amounts of essential nutrients needed to prevent vision loss. Tomatoes contain lycopene (which is a carotenoid) and antioxidants like zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, and lutein. Dr. Tom Chang notes that the antioxidants in tomatoes may protect against light damage and cataract development. He explains that lycopene, in particular, can play a significant role in the prevention of AMD. Also, Dr. Chang noted that high levels of lycopene and zeaxanthin may lower the risk of a possible vision loss.

 Tom Chang MD

About Dr. Tom Chang MD

Dr. Tom Chang is a managing partner of the Acuity Eye Group. He is a renowned academic, clinician, and surgeon. Dr.Tom Chang has given over 120 lectures across the globe and published 50 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Tom Chang has focused his career on providing patients with new information on eye-related issues. Dr. Tom Chang believes that patients play a significant role in treating illness. His response to this belief is to equip patients with all the necessary information needed to prevent illnesses. In this article, he offers helpful suggestions on the best food choices for preventing eye decline.


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