Betting as an Investment

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( — December 17, 2020) — These days many people are wondering where to invest their hard earned money. It is wise to invest your money and have it work for you by giving you a return on investment, rather than leave it sitting on the bank account or even worse, in a closet.

Investing in stock exchange and funds is a good way to keep your money working and giving you steady yearly profits. Ofcourse, only if you invest in low risk funds that give you 2-5% return on investment per year. 

Many people want more return on their money. That is why many smart individuals tend to invest in a new form of investment – sports betting. Investors in this case will select a set of tipsters that he or she will follow. This means that investors will back betting picks with his own money and hope for a positive return.

Hardest thing here is to find a set of reliable and profitable tipsters. It takes some time to find these and set up your betting portfolio. The biggest advantage to this kind of investment is that you get a return on a much bigger turnover. 

Let’s say you invest 10.000 EUR on a stock exchange fund that gives you 5% return per year. This means that you will get a return on investment, a profit of 500 EUR every year.

If you started with a betting bank of 10.000 EUR and invested 300EUR (3%) per betting pick you would get much bigger returns. If you had 10 tipsters that post 15 betting picks every month each and if their long term ROI was 5% this means that you would turnover 45.000EUR every month (10*15*300) with a return of 5% that would bring you an average monthly profit of 2.250 EUR. In 12 months that would be equal to a 27.000 EUR.

Now you can compare for yourself what is the difference in investing in stock funds or betting portfolios. The most basic and integral part of this is finding a set of good tipsters. Our friends at InsideSport have developed and filtered best out of best and they are completely free. Check InsideSport for best free betting tips.