Firefighter PPE Ultrasonic Cleaning FirstResponder Personal Protection Equipment

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Omegasonics has launched an updated range of ultrasonic cleaning technology for firefighter PPE. The cutting-edge technology replaces traditional cleaning methods and saves clients time.

Omegasonics has launched an updated range of ultrasonic cleaning products aimed at firefighter PPE. They strive to ensure that firefighters across the US are kept safe through the implementation of cutting-edge ultrasonic cleaning.

More information can be found at:

The newly updated product range is designed to meet demand for top quality PPE gear cleaning for first responders. This is especially important for fire fighters, because there are very high cancer rates in the field – and some of this is due to wearing contaminated clothing.

Omegasonics was the first ultrasonic cleaning equipment manufacturer to put 20 gallon and above machines on portable casters. This meant that the equipment could be more easily moved within manufacturing, industrial and repair facilities.

One of the primary benefits of ultrasonic parts washers is that they provide consistent and repeatable precision cleaning at a faster rate than traditional cleaning methods allow. Omegasonics makes buying the latest ultrasonic cleaners easier, and is known for high quality service and customer focus.

The team at Omegasonics explains that soft materials in a firefighters’ equipment are easy to clean in a washing machine. However, the hard materials such as helmets and boots, alongside their protective jackets, are more effectively cleaned with ultrasound using NFPA 1851-approved chemistry.

For first responders, their equipment is an important protective barrier between life and death. For this reason it’s important to ensure it’s cleaned in the most optimal way.

Interested parties can request a quote at:

Ultrasonic cleaning from Omegasonics is proven to offer a streamlined and effective cleaning solution. Studies show that use of their cleaning technology in the field was able to decrease helmet cleaning times by 75%. Furthermore, they helped to provide a labor cost saving of $10 per helmet.

Ultrasound PPE cleaners are available in a variety of sizes to better meet the needs of clients. They are designed to ensure cleaner boots, gloves, and helmets, and the cleaning process is less stressful on the products than hydraulic washes.

Thorough cleaning in this way helps to maintain product integrity over time, while decreasing microbial exposure and risk of burns.

Full details of the newly updated service can be found on the URL above.