(Newswire.net — December 21, 2020) — Whether you are studying for an exam or trying to move up the corporate ladder, nootropics are where it is at. This is because these substances can improve things like memory, concentration and so much more. But what is the top contender for those looking for a nootropic that reduces stress while still getting these results? The answer is noopept.
What are Nootropics?
Nootropics are basically a type of smart drug. These substances are primarily used as a way to improve cognitive functions. In fact, there are many variations that we use every day. For example, did you know that caffeine is technically a smart drug? It’s true! Caffeine is able to affect the brain in a way that increases both concentration and alertness. These are two pivotal categories for those looking at smart drugs. They most commonly improve brain function, your ability to concentrate on one or multiple things in a uniform way and can even improve your creativity. But of course, for those more seriously looking into smart drugs, you’ll probably want to learn more about nootropics. More specifically, the nootropic, noopept.
What is Noopept?
Noopept is the shortened version of a substance known as N-Phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester. It is a prodrug, but what does that mean? Well, it works with other compounds and allows them to be metabolized easier once in the body. Not only that, but the substances are also distributed in a certain manner so as to use them to the best of their ability. It’s basically a way to make it easier for the body to absorb compounds.
It works by modulating the acetylcholine system and AMPA receptors. In doing so it helps to send messages to muscle throughout the body. It also helps improve brain and memory function since it enables more precise message sending.
Typically, noopept is used to help treat stress and irritability. It has also shown an affinity to improve focus, memory, and mood. So, you really get the best of both worlds. One of the hardest things to believe is that although it is not a racetam family member, it is more potent than piracetam, another popular nootropic on the market.
But of course, you’ll want to learn all about the best possible dose for all of these amazing benefits. With noopept, they’re actually pretty straight forward. The doses range between 10mg and 40mg. This is because of its high potency. By having higher potency, you actually don’t need as much to achieve the benefits. Of course, everyone is different, so starting out at the lowest dose is recommended. Then if you don’t notice much of a change, you can increase the dose slowly until you reach your desired effects.
Even though nootropics are still new to the medical world, they are gaining popularity for many reasons. First and foremost, for their abilities to aid in cognitive function. For college students struggling to remember things for exams to the working class needing a one up in their company. Nootropics are becoming more and more mainstream. But where do you get the best of the best?
Nootropics Online
There are dozens of options when trying to find the right nootropic for your needs, let alone finding a good manufacturer. But what if I told you we can make that search go much smoother. It’s true, over at Paradigm Peptides, the products are out of this world and their customer service team is phenomenal. Not one to talk to someone. Then you can learn more about their products in their extensive blog library where there is something for everyone. So, what do you say? Are you ready to give Paradigm Peptides a try? Then head here to learn more about them.