CBD Vape Liquids Vs Smokable Hemp Flowers – Demystifying Confusion

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(Newswire.net — January 8, 2021) — Choosing between countless variants of CBD products is still a big confusion for a lot of people. Unlike marijuana, CBD is widely popular in its processed form. Since the significance of cannabidiol for health purposes has become prevalent, edible products are becoming very famous. It is convenient to consume a specific percentage of cannabinoids with edible products like gummies and tinctures etc. However, a major portion in edibles is contributed by additives like flavoring substances and gelatin. Also, we lose some important cannabinoids while processing leaves in the laboratory. Another major drawback of edible products is their later reaction time. It takes at least 30 minutes for an edible product to start interacting with our endocannabinoid system whether it is relevant to our neurological or immune system. All these reasons lead us to choose a better option. As alternatives, you have to other variants to try out i.e.

  • Vaporizer juice
  • Hemp flowers

Let’s elaborate on both of these options in detail.

CBD Vaporizer Juice

This is one of the modern techniques for consuming CBD and THC products. Along with concentrated cannabinoids, liquids also contains additives like:-

  1. Propylene glycol
  2. Flavoring substances
  3. Additives

In THC dominant intoxicating products, some amount of nicotine can also be found. However, we are talking about its medicinal aspects only. In order to consume vaping juice, we need devices like disposable CBD vape pen, pocket-size vaporizers or desktop vaporizers. A vaporizer device will have a chamber where you can fix a new cartridge or refill it. Some vaping devices are meant for single use only. Let me explain why vaping juice is a great option for CBD uses.

  1. It will give an instant result right after inhaling a few puffs of vapors.
  2. Vaporizer juices contain no tar that implies a negative impact on your health.
  3. The consumer knows the exact amount of CBD and other cannabinoids in his juice.

Some Negative Impacts

  1. The composition of different chemicals and other additives increases contamination.
  2. Consuming vaping liquid is expensive because vaporizer devices are not cheap.

Hemp Flowers

Just like hybridized marijuana species, there are also some species of hemp flower products for sale in the market. It works exactly like smoking a joint. You have to crush the weed, roll it in a paper and consume it through the smoke. For non-smokers, there is also a better alternative in the form of a vaporizer device. Some modern vaporizers are equipped with the technology of atomizing hemp flowers. Here is a list of some positive aspects of hemp flowers you need to know.

  1. Without any additive or flavoring substance, you will get the benefits of pure CBD. Flowers are directly harvested from the fields and consumable without requiring any processing.
  2. No processing means low cost on production which automatically reduces the final cost of hemp flowers.
  3. All cannabinoids remain intact in a CBD flower which means you will get the maximum possible health benefits.

Some Negative Aspects

  1. Smoking is still the primary way of consuming cannabis flowers whether they are CBD or THC dominants. Smoke contains a lot of toxins as well as harmful tar that directly affect our lungs.
  2. There is not any specific measurement technique to figure out the exact amount of cannabinoids in raw hemp flowers.

After analyzing the above-mentioned options, we can say that the consumption of hemp flowers with a good quality vaporizer is a better alternative to vaping juices and edibles.