NJ Lost Money Unclaimed Funds Assets Recovery Family Financial Service Launched

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Lost Money Locators, a financial company based in New Jersey, has launched new lost money locator services that help to reconnect families with unclaimed government funds.

Lost Money Locators, an American company that helps reunite families with missing and unclaimed funds, has launched new lost money locator services.

More information on the launch can be found by visiting https://lostmoney-locators.com

The newly launched service helps to connect families with money that is rightfully owed to them by auditing public agencies to find and recover unclaimed funds.

The company conducts initial research to identify unclaimed funds the client may be eligible to claim back. They search through numerous public records and government agency files to identify lost money.

After this initial research, if the company believes the client is owed money they will work with them to help them claim back their government funds.

As part of the launch, the company identifies and reaches out to potential claimants. Individuals who are eligible to receive lost money will be assigned a dedicated Recovery Asset Specialist who will consult with them on each step of the process.

The final stage in the lost money claiming service includes final research and steps to reclaiming the funds. Once a family has agreed to let the company reclaim on their behalf, they will begin the process, which may take between 60 and 90 days.

Families do not have to pay any upfront fees and do not have to pay if the reclaiming process is unsuccessful. If individuals are able to claim back lost money, the company will receive a percentage, along with fees.

Interested parties are encouraged to get in touch with the company via their website. They will be required to fill out a contact form with their name, email, and lost money goals.

After completion, a member of the Lost Money Locators team will be in touch with information relating to any unclaimed funds the individual may be eligible to claim back.

Lost Money Locators is a family-owned assets recovery company based in New Jersey. It’s run by managing member and senior assets recovery executive Brian Myers.

Brian and his team provide a professional consulting service that aims to connect families with unclaimed funds that are owed to them. The company promises to provide a service that individuals can count on by working with public agencies to recover lost funds.

For more information on Lost Money Locators and the launch of their lost money locator services visit the URL above.