The Popularity of Cloud Phone Systems in Small Business

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( — February 18, 2021) Kelvin Grove, QLD — Greg Eicke, Owner of Phones Now Pty Ltd, and his team started helping customers with IP telephony or VoIP long before it became popular and mainstream.

When asked about the growing trend towards cloud phone systems, Greg says “There is smart cloud and there is dumb cloud.” “Unfortunately, many of the systems being offered are dumb cloud. This type of system is a step backward in terms of functionality, not forwards”. “Smart cloud on the other hand has a lot to offer. When it is done right, most businesses end up very happy with the smart system”, he explains.

Greg also warns business owners about the importance of making sure the business’s data network can handle voice traffic. He strongly recommends upgrading if necessary. “We’ve rescued a lot of customers from bad cloud system installation. In every case the problems were due to a poorly configured data network, not the cloud system itself”, says Greg.

Even though cloud phone systems ‘plug in’ to a business’s data network, they still need to be configured and maintained by a voice expert. Voice and data do not behave the same way. They have different rules. If a technician doesn’t understand the difference, the phone system they set-up will experience call drop-outs and very poor voice quality.

“It doesn’t have to cost any more to get a voice expert to set up your data network and clod phone system properly.” Says Greg.” In fact, you are likely to save money by not having the interruptions and lost opportunities that come from a phone system that doesn’t work properly.”

This is a relatively new space. Compared to traditional phone systems like Panasonic and Avaya, the components for cloud phone systems haven’t been on the market for very long. The challenge is that cloud phone systems are made up of a collection of components. This is vastly different to traditional telephone manufacturers who created one homogeneous system where all components worked in harmony.

“This means that customers are now very dependent on the operational experience of the technician doing the job. It’s that experience that allows the technician to select the right mix of components to give seamless and trouble-free operation of the cloud phone system.”

“For the next few years, I expect to see suppliers creating mixed results for clients based on their real experience with cloud telephony”, Greg concludes.

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About Phones Now Pty Ltd

When you deal with us, Excellence comes standard! Phones Now (formerly Phone Systems Brisbane) is dedicated to providing excellent Telco and Telephony service. OUR MISSION Make technology an asset for your business not a problem. Too many times we have seen other Telco’s recommend solutions that are not appropriate for the specific client’s business or will not take a technology changes into their planning as they routinely maintain status quo. That is unacceptable. We won’t offer the easiest solution because it is “easier for us and too complicated to explain to you”. We work on the cutting edge of technology. We strive to make technology integrate seamlessly with your business so your business can grow. As your technology partner, when your business grows ours will grow with you, therefore, we will work hand in hand with you to support your growth.

Phones Now Pty Ltd

Unit C1A, 8 Carraway Street
Kelvin Grove, QLD 4059