Online Lead Generation Facebook Messenger Class for Entrepreneurs Announced

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Ron Douglas announces his updated free class on how to use Facebook Messenger to build an online business. The class discusses techniques to increase revenue.

Ron Douglas, a New York Times bestselling author and corporate-man-turned-entrepreneur, announces his updated free workshop on building an online business without capital, product, a big budget, and tech skills. The virtual class helps aspiring entrepreneurs, stay-at-home parents, and anyone looking for an additional source of income, achieve financial independence.

More details can be found at

After answering the quiz at the link above, users will be directed into their free online class with Douglas. Here, he explains how he created an easy online business for his then-corporate wife using Facebook Messenger. The app, which remains an untapped lead generating tool, can be used to increase revenue, whether as a main business or as a side-hustle.

As more people are told to work from home, the number of online businesses has also increased. Many financial studies have found that people create these online businesses to augment their income, given the unstable global economic climate. Nevertheless, many of these businesses fail to achieve success within their first year due to a lack of correct strategies.

Douglas understands the hardship of the everyday grind. He used to work at a respected financial institution for several years before being laid off. At that time, his wife was eight-months pregnant with their second child and he worried about how he was going to support his family. Thankfully, he had an online business that he put all his time and effort into.

The dedication paid off and Douglas was able to achieve financial freedom. He then decided to create an easy online business for his wife so that she too can retire from the corporate world.

Douglas taught his wife how to leverage Facebook Messenger as a lead generating and conversion tool. These strategies are the key lessons in the free online class.

The newly announced update includes more comprehensive discussions as well as real-life examples on how to use Facebook Messenger to build targeted lead lists. Unlike email or SMS marketing, Facebook marketing is less prone to spam, says Douglas.

Interested parties can find more information at