Studies Now Link Poor Oral Health With Cognitive Decline

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( — March 8, 2021) Orlando, FL — Today, the number of people suffering from cognitive health issues continues to soar. Experts have been looking into the various aspects of brain health to help ward off these problems.

A study was published in the Journal of the American geriatrics Society.

In this study, it has been found that oral health is a vital part of psychological well-being and overall health in older adults. Further, the investigators reveal that poor oral health is linked with reduced quality of life as well as hypertension, depression, and cognitive decline.

The study particularly involved looking into the link between cognitive decline and poor oral health and the impacts of perceived stress and social support on dry mouth in Chinese Americans.  

They looked into over 2,700 Chinese Americans aged 60 and above. They found that almost 50 percent of the study participants experienced tooth symptoms and 25.5 percent had dry mouth.

The first study has shown sufferers of tooth symptoms reported declines in episodic memory and cognition, which are often thought to be precursors to dementia. The second study, on the other hand, has shown stress increased dry mouth symptoms, which lead to poorer overall oral health. 

There are various aspects of cognitive decline that researchers are investigating nowadays. Many studies have demonstrated that there many factors that contribute to the onset of cognitive health issues. 

Researchers carry out studies in an effort to help reduce the prevalence of problems affecting cognitive health. 

Interestingly, some plant-based remedies like curcumin have been scientifically found helpful. It is important to realize that this therapeutic compound is a strong anti-inflammatory, which may work wonders in fighting chronic inflammation.

It is worth learning that in multiple research studies, chronic inflammation has been associated with certain cognitive health issues. The use of curcumin may help individuals who have high levels of inflammation due to poor diet and lack of exercise.

Another interesting fact about curcumin is that it also supports optimal brain function. Scientists reveal that it aids in brain function due to its ability to support brain neuron health. 

According to studies, a growth hormone called BDNF is critical for brain operation. It is further worth mentioning that certain brain disorders like Alzheimer’s disease have been associated with decreased levels of BDNF.

Curcumin has been found to have the ability to enhance BDNF levels and this enables it to enhance cognitive function.

Today, consumers turn to the use of formulas like VitaBreeze Curcumin to experience the healing goodness of this natural remedy ( 

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VitaBreeze is a nutraceutical brand that manufactures high-quality natural supplements to help people live a healthy, enjoyable, and longer life. All of the company’s products are manufactured in the United States using the finest-quality ingredients that have been carefully selected, tested, and crafted into the firm’s winning formulas. Visit to learn more.


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