Santa Cruz CA Neary Lagoon Recreation Bird Watching Nature Park Website Launched

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Santa Cruz City, CA, has launched a new website detailing the central location and natural attractions of Neary Lagoon Wildlife Sanctuary for locals and visitors to gain more awareness of the park as a recreational location.

Neary Park, a wetland wildlife refuge in Santa Cruz, CA, has launched a new website detailing the natural attractions, as well as how visitors can access the park.

Further details can be found at:

Neary Lagoon is administered by the City of Santa Cruz, and the new website has been launched to make locals and visitors aware of the natural attraction.

Time-poverty, or ‘time-poor’, is a relatively recent concept, and refers to the constraints many individuals face when trying to balance work and recreation. Pressure on the economy and employment opportunities find many people spending a disproportionate amount of time at work in comparison to relaxing or taking time to unwind.

The new website draws attention to a natural escape in the center of Santa Cruz for residents and visitors alike. The 14-acre freshwater marsh includes a lagoon, wooden boardwalks, and plays host to a wide variety of wildlife.

Bird-watching and bird-photography have become popular pastimes for those seeking an escape from a busy lifestyle, but it is not always possible to travel far when time is limited. The new website details not only the variety of flora and fauna within Neary lagoon, but the fact that it exists in such a central location to the Santa Cruz urban area.

Wildlife that can be seen in the park include many varieties of birds, cattails, and a several species of fish.

Science has long shown the benefits of spending time in a natural environment. Such benefits include: increased exposure to sunlight and Vitamin D, normalization of sleep patterns, clearing the mind from the constant connection to electronic devices, lowering stress hormone levels, and increased oxygen levels that can improve a sense of well-being.

The new website provides details on the locations from which visitors can access the sanctuary.

A recent visitor to the lagoon said: “The Neary Lagoon is a hidden sanctuary for nature. The walk is a level loop around different waterways and marshes. Various birds and turtles live throughout the park. It takes about 1 hour to cover the lagoon”.

Interested parties can find more information by visiting the above-mentioned website.