Northwest Raleigh NC Sales Management Training Executive Mentoring Launched

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Sandler Training has launched their updated sales management training and mentoring services to help Northwest Raleigh businesses improve their sales performance and get a competitive edge.

Raleigh, North Carolina based Sandler Training has launched their updated sales management training and executive mentoring services for businesses in the Raleigh area, including Northwest Raleigh, North Raleigh, East Raleigh, and the surrounding communities.

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The updated training and mentoring services launched by Sandlers Training were designed for business managers and professionals who want to improve their teams’ sales performance and gain a competitive edge in their respective industries.

Through their Strategic Management Solutions program, the Sandlers Training group coaches managers and executives on vital sales management strategies, such as recruiting and hiring the best candidates for the job, improving communications within sales teams, improving time management, and doing effective performance reviews.

The program also helps managers and professionals interested in mastering leadership roles, including mentoring, training, and supervising, as well as effective task delegation and goal setting with their teams.

According to the Sandler Training group, their Strategic Management Solutions program is grounded on proven theories, hard skills, and workable strategies. The program emphasizes active training on leadership, coaching, and hiring as applied to individual clients’ unique situations.

In addition to learning theoretical frameworks, training participants also get to experience active skills training exercises where they learn how to effectively apply management theories to real life situations.

What sets the Sandler Training program apart from other sales management training programs is the reinforcement or incremental growth training element of the program. As explained by a spokesperson for the group, reinforcement training is a long term and active program that allows for trial and error in order to identify failures and successes in individual situations.

As the spokesperson says, “You can’t learn to ride a bike by watching a YouTube video. Eventually, you have to get on a bike and fall off. Learning sales or management principles are very similar. We encourage you to practice its role plays, simulations, and other low-risk situations rather than experimenting in the field.”

Sandler Training also conducts executive seminars and professional development workshops to address specific issues commonly faced by sales and management teams.

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