The Digital Marketer’s Toolkit To Guarantee Linkedin Network Growth

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( — March 30, 2021) — If there’s anything that the year 2020 has shown digital marketers, it’s the value of flexibility. Faced by the multiple pitches presented by the global downturn, digital marketers have had to reconsider tactics and even whole projects, all while juggling changing goals, budget cuts, and resourcing issues, among other things.

LinkedIn is increasingly looking like a better place to start for digital  marketers to support our 2021 preparation. 

Let’s look at some resources that can help you expand your LinkedIn network. Read on if you’re looking for new ways to improve your LinkedIn digital marketing strategy  

The content you produce should be exceptional.

To be frank, no tool can make your LinkedIn content go viral if you the content itself is meaningless. Getting a large number of followers on your account is challenging, particularly if you’re a beginner, but the real secret is being regular with great content. 

To make your account shine, you must engage your followers and guests with relevant posts. Sharing and posting related content can be used as a digital marketing tool to help you expand your LinkedIn network.

Your Goals and Aims should be defined properly.

All of your LinkedIn material needs to be based on your ultimate goals. As a result, one of the first steps of any digital marketing campaign is to set targets and objectives. What are your goals for LinkedIn? They could be to drive lead generation, to agitate bottom of the funnel clients towards action, to create awareness, or something else entirely. Setting targets in this way will help you better market your content by giving you direction. 

Optimization for your account.

Make sure your LinkedIn account is optimized for engagement. LinkedIn makes this easy by prompting you to add in specific data about places you’ve worked, the experience you have, and the things people recommend you for. Keep an eye out on the “profile strength” metric and add in as much data as possible to boost it. The better optimized your account is, the more likely it is that your audience will engage with you. 

The use of images and videos is a great  Linkedin strategy.

Without videos and photographs, it’s hard to capture attention on LinkedIn. When you post articles on LinkedIn, always make sure to use a relevant masthead image. Images can liven up regular posts, as can video content. Personalising your image and video content for LinkedIn is a great idea. Go beyond stock photos by creating your own graphics (even if they’re basic!) or by recording videos of yourself explaining key topics. 

Keep Track of your LinkedIn success

It’s not enough to take action to improve your LinkedIn presence: you need to know exactly how specific changes have had an impact on your bottom line. Use conversion-oriented measurements to define and attribute success to your LinkedIn marketing: how many leads reached out to you on LinkedIn before you implemented these changes? How many have now? Have you seen CTAs and sign ups from links you shared on LinkedIn? Look for ways to turn conversions into directly attributable conversion metrics to guarantee success. 


As with any part of your overall marketing strategy, consistency is key to winning at LinkedIn. Create high quality content and regularly engage with your audience. Remember to use images and video as a force multiplier. And importantly, make sure you have a sounds measurements of success to track and monitor.