(Newswire.net — April 19, 2021) — Character is not something that just happens. It’s not limited by factors like caste, class, economic status, orientation, education, or any other artificial construct. As men like Nicholas Kyriacopoulos can attest, the road to becoming and remaining a man of strength, integrity and power rests on making decisions that provide structure for living. Here are some of the actions that you will need to take if this is the type of man you want to be for the rest of your life.
Develop a Core of Positive Ethics
Ethics have to do with choices of behaviour and the development of habits that help to yield a desired outcome. While most people tend to think of positive things when they think of ethics, that’s not necessarily the case. Ethics can be negative as well as positive. It’s up to you to develop personal ethics that are good for you and good for the world around you.
What sort of ethics would be good? An inquiring mind, something that a young Nicholas Kyriacopoulos developed early on, is one example. His desire to remain physically fit coupled with the willingness to stick with an exercise program, is another one. A choice to care about others and devote himself to the well-being of his family are all rooted in the ethics he chooses to embrace. You can do the same.
Remind Yourself That There’s Always Something New to Learn
One of the easiest ways to derail your movement from being a man of strength, integrity and power is to decide that you have all the knowledge that you need. When you stop learning, you begin to stagnate. It’s those men who are open to learning new things, even if they challenge what you hold to be true, that keeps you on the path to greatness.
Without this desire to learn, Nicholas Kyriacopoulos would never have accomplished so many of the things he’s done for his family and his community. While remaining confident, he was also willing to learn from others and do something with that knowledge. If you can say the same, it’s a safe bet that you and Nicholas Kyriacopoulos would have plenty to discuss if your paths ever crossed.
Understand That Courage Does Not Mean Living Without Fear
Somewhere down the line, the idea that having courage meant to be without fear was born. It’s a false concept. As courageous men like Nicholas Kyriacopoulos will tell you, being afraid is not the issue. Allowing the fear to prevent you from acting is the real problem.
Men who move out in spite of the fear are the ones who truly have courage. Even when there’s a part of them that wants to shrink away, they move ahead anyway. It truly takes courage to do that when you would rather turn away and pretend what’s happening isn’t really happening.
The Good of Others is at Least Equal to the Good of Yourself
People who care only about themselves are never more than shadows of what they could become. Empathy and compassion for others are two of the qualities that men like Nicholas Kyriacopoulos possess/ They help him and others to truly be men of strength, integrity and power.
It may begin, as it did with Nicholas Kyriacopoulos, with caring about family members. From there, it expands to include friends and those who live close by. It continues until it encompasses people that you may never know personally. When your caring reaches that level, you can truly say you have personal strength and integrity.
Honesty Isn’t an Optional Trait
Honesty is a slippery thing for some people. It’s a tool to be used when it will achieve a goal. Others place a premium on being honest, even if it means finding the most considerate way to convey a truth that may sting a little. Men of integrity such as Nicholas Kyriacopoulos understand and strive to practice the latter.
Whether honesty produces rewards or temporary setbacks, men of integrity go with it every time. That’s because they’ve learned, as has Nicholas Kyriacopoulos, that in the long run honesty is much less complicated and messy than trying to maintain lies.
Neither is Admitting When You’re Wrong
It takes a man of true integrity and strength to admit when he’s wrong. The ability to own a wrong and apologize for it makes it possible to move forward and not be restrained by the past. In his life, Nicholas Kyriacopoulos learned the value of owning up to being wrong and trying to make things right when possible. Others would do well to learn the same.
There is no map that will guarantee that all men will become what they are intended to be. Taking the time to learn more about Nicholas Kyriacopoulos and other men who have worked for and earned their places in the world is one way. Through it all, cultivate the mindsets and the habits that speak of integrity, strength, and power. In doing so, you increase the odds of becoming the man you want to be.