Pronto Tax School, a leading name in tax education, has launched an introductory tax training course for aspiring tax professionals and business owners in Los Angeles.
Pronto Tax School, a company specializing in tax consultation and education, has updated its services to include basic tax training for aspiring tax professionals in Los Angeles, CA. Pronto Tax School is an IRS-certified education provider, and they deliver relevant, helpful, and engaging courses.
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The latest service responds to the increasing demand for quality tax education services. Through its basic tax training, Pronto Tax School provides aspiring tax professionals in the Los Angeles area with the education they need to achieve their career goals.
As tax rules and regulations constantly change, Pronto Tax School’s training allows its customers to understand Federal and California tax fundamentals. From this foundation, the company has helped over 3,000 people develop into tax professionals.
All of Pronto Tax School’s programs are developed by active and experienced tax professionals — led by Founder and CEO Andy Frye. Frye is a third-generation tax business owner who has prepared over 10,000 tax returns, and he leverages that experience into the school’s basic tax training program.
The company also designs its courses to be as engaging as possible. The courses include multiple methods of tax education, including PDF textbooks, interactive review questions, video modules, and detailed walk-throughs of tax returns. Additionally, Pronto Tax School’s basic tax training is perfect for veteran tax professionals and business owners looking to train their new hires. Details can be found at
Pronto Tax School prides itself on encompassing and engaging tax education. They understand the importance of solid tax fundamentals for beginners and ensure this process is applicable and affordable.
The latest announcement reflects the company’s commitment to offering basic tax training to aspiring professionals in the Los Angeles area.
Pronto Tax School has over ten years of experience helping tax professionals in Los Angeles. They have developed a strong reputation for passionate, engaging, and effective service.
A spokesperson for the company said: “We are passionate about helping independent tax professionals, who often feel alone and overwhelmed. By helping tax pros, we indirectly help your clients, too. And as you know, if you’ve taken any tax education with us, we like to laugh and have a good time. Our hope is to keep you awake and engaged while you learn about taxes.”
Interested parties can find out more about Pronto Tax School and their basic tax training by visiting