How Entrepreneurs Can Achieve a Work/Life Balance

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( — July 8, 2021) — Being your own boss can be a dream come true. There is nobody to answer to and you can do everything your way. However, this can also mean that you have to be all things to all people. You are not just doing the job you set out to do anymore; you must manage other people, as well as be the IT expert, the HR expert, and the payroll department. You may even find yourself opening the mail and making the tea some days. With all this work to do, it can be difficult to step away from your business and achieve any kind of work/life balance. However, here are some tips to help you achieve just that.


If you have staff, don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to them. It is what you are paying them for after all. Leave the day-to-day running of each department to your staff and catch up with them once per day or every few days instead. You will still want to sign off the big decisions and you will still know if they are doing the job properly or not. Letting them get on with it gives them independence and allows you time to get on with doing other things.


If your company is still quite small you may want to outsource some of your work to the experts. This means that you will have to pay them for the work they do which will be cheaper than hiring them full time. It also leaves you time to do other things. You can outsource any of the tasks you don’t want to do such as IT or accounting. If these are not your forte, then give up letting it give you a headache, and spend some time on your own life instead.

Mix Business and Pleasure

You will be surprised by how much business can get done at the golf course or the car club so don’t be afraid to step away from your desk and spend time networking while doing the things you enjoy. People that you are friendly with socially will be more likely to trust you in business too as you have already built up a rapport with them. This can help you to cut through a lot of red tapes, win new clients and give you a better work/life balance too. 

Take Bite-Sized Breaks

You may not have time to take a vacation when you have just set a business up, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take time to yourself. Leave the office early occasionally and go for a walk or go out for dinner with friends. Take a lunch break and spend the time reading a book or playing the slot machines at instead. You will be amazed at how refreshed you feel after taking a short break.

Follow these tips to help you achieve the work/life balance you deserve while still retaining your entrepreneurial spirit – you’ll benefit from it immensely.