5 Simple Website Launch Tips

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(Newswire.net — July 15, 2021) — In many ways, launching a website is intimidating. There are so many different steps, processes, and methodologies to account for.

Do you go the organic route and rely on word of mouth? Or do you invest thousands of dollars?

Do you build the website from the ground up using content and SEO? Or do you rely on ads?

Do you keep everything in-house? Or do you outsource the work?

There are dozens of decisions to make. And the challenging part is there aren’t necessarily any “right” answers. You can go in almost any direction and be successful. (Though you can also flop if you aren’t careful.)

Though there’s no perfect blueprint for a simple website launch, there are plenty of proven principles. This article will shine a light on a few of them and (hopefully) pave the way for your own successful launch.

5 Tips for a Smooth Website Launch

A smooth website launch doesn’t necessarily mean an easy launch. Instead, it’s all about removing as much friction as possible so there are no major hiccups that hinder results. Good website development is key. But in addition to having the right aesthetic, you also need to consider the following:

1. Keep the URL Simple

It’s nearly impossible to find a one-word domain name these days without spending a five-, six-, or even 7-figure sum. But you should still keep your website URL as simple and memorable as possible.

Try your best to stick to a two- or three-word domain. A .com TDL is always the preferred option, though you can get away with .net, .org, and even .co these days. Avoid super trendy TDLs.

2. Perfect Your USP

First impressions are everything. And when someone lands on your website for the very first time, you want to make it abundantly clear what your unique selling proposition (USP) is. It should be prominently featured at the top of the website for all to see.

Here are a few pieces of advice for creating a USP:

  • It should be short and sweet. If it can’t fit in a single sentence, it’s too long.
  • Cut out confusing language and buzzwords. (The average person reads at a fifth to seventh-grade reading level.)
  • Mention a clear benefit that addresses a clear problem the target customer has.

3. Set Conversion Goals

What’s the purpose of your launch? In other words, if everything goes perfectly, what sort of outcome do you desire?

In most cases, there’s one of two desired outcomes: Either you want to build a massive list of subscribers via an onsite opt-in, or you want to generate direct sales. The end goal for launch day will dictate the decisions you make.

4. Invest in SEO (Way) Before Launch

You can’t show up on launch day and decide to implement an SEO strategy. (Well, technically you can, but you’ll have to wait a long time to see any results.) If possible, start investing in SEO at least 90 days before launch day (and ideally six to nine months before).

This means you’re technically launching your website long before you make it public. The launch date is just the day you proactively pursue traffic.

5. Pick the Right Launch Date

The exact launch date you select is important. Choosing the right launch day gives you an opportunity to maximize traffic and drum up more exposure while selecting the wrong day will suppress results.

“Launching over the weekend or the day before a holiday is a bad idea because you might not be able to resolve technical issues that arise,” entrepreneur Jared Atchison writes. “Your development team may not be available, and you’ll miss the opportunity that the weekend or holiday presents. It’s better to make your launch a gradual process so you can monitor issues as they occur.”

By most accounts, Tuesday and Wednesday are the best days for launch. This gives you the most time to prepare, execute, and follow up.

6. Tap Into OPA

Assuming you don’t already have a massive audience of your own, one of the big challenges of launching a website is getting people to care. Without much pre-existing exposure, it’s hard to get people to visit your website (no matter how good the product or offer may be). Leveraging other relationships is the key.

In real estate, there’s a popular acronym known as OPM. It stands for other people’s money – a reference to clever financing strategies that don’t require the investor to use their own money. But when it comes to launching a website, you want to use OPA: other people’s audiences.

There are plenty of ways to leverage OPA, but two of the most common methods are guest blogging and influencer marketing. You’ll want to investigate OPA marketing options well in advance of launch.

Ready, Set, Launch!

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in the business – launching a website takes a lot of energy, effort, and resources. But if you have a good system in place, there are ways to make it smooth and rather frictionless. Hopefully, this article has given you a strong and sturdy launch pad. Now, it’s time to execute.