Sleep Study Brisbane (07-3708-3233) has launched new examination options for patients requiring a sleep study. Their portable equipment allows the entire sleep study to occur in the patient’s home.
Sleep Study Brisbane, a group of expert sleep technicians partnered with sleep specialists in Brisbane and NSW, has announced the launch of new home sleep study options. Previously patients requiring a sleep study had no choice but to sleep overnight in a sleep lab.
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The recently launched home sleep study option for patients in Brisbane offers a more convenient approach to getting a sleep apnea diagnosis. A sleep test technician from the service suggests that being tested at home may be a more effective solution for patients who are more at ease in their own homes, and find it easier to get a proper night’s sleep.
Sleep apnea is a disorder that can affect patients breathing during sleep, causing their breathing to stop several times. There are different types of sleep apnea, all of which can cause patients to briefly awake. Often this results in jerks, gasping, snorts, snores, gurgles, or other disruptive noises and movements.
The technicians at Sleep Study Brisbane use a portable polysomnograph, the same device used by sleep labs and doctors to diagnose sleep breathing disorders. The device has won awards for medical design excellence and provides a high degree of reliability while being portable enough to use for in-home testing.
Patients who have been referred for a sleep study by their GP will have the majority of the cost covered by Medicare. The exact amount of the out-of-pocket costs to the patient can be determined when booking an appointment, and will depend on a number of factors, such as how far the technician would drive to the patient’s location.
After receiving a referral and booking an appointment, a sleep technician will visit the patient’s house in the evening to set up the equipment. There is also an option to visit the clinic and have the equipment set up at their office. The equipment is light and portable enough that the patient can drive home with it attached, and continue to move around their home after their appointment and throughout the night.
Once the night is over and the patient’s data has been recorded by the unit, they can remove the device and package it in the supplied bag. Patients can return the device to the sleep technicians at their office. The device will contain a record of their sleep positions, heart rate and rhythm, airflow, and more. This is enough information for a qualified sleep expert to provide a diagnosis.
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