How to Manifest What You Want in Life

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( — July 28, 2021) —

The journey to successful start-up can beat up even the most seasoned entrepreneurs. Building a business is hard work and not every venture is successful. But if you’re an entrepreneur, odds are that’s part of what you love about it and the rewards can very often outweigh the hardship in the beginning.

In his book, Woke Doesn’t Mean Broke, Billy Carson talks about how you can manifest financial freedom. That waiting for good things to happen to you will leave you right where you are. You need to manifest those things and take the actions necessary to gain them.

How is this helpful for entrepreneurs? Maybe you’re struggling getting your business to take off or maybe you have a pretty successful business but you’re not sure where to take it and what other opportunities are out there.

Keep reading for different ways and tips about how you can use manifestation in your life.

Understand the law of attraction

The law of attraction is the belief that putting positive thoughts out into the universe will bring positive things to you. On the flipside, if you are putting negative thoughts out there, negative experiences will happen in your life. While this may seem like a basic enough concept, you can’t just think the occasional positive thought and expect that to be enough. Try to radiate positivity and look at any struggles or problems in your business – and life – through a positive lens.

Once you’ve got that positive attitude flowing through you, you can begin to meditate on what it is you’re looking for.


Yes, meditate. Whether that’s sitting in a quiet place or going for a walk or even during a workout at the gym. Wherever you decide is best for you, empty your mind and let that positivity in. Focus on what it is you’re trying to manifest. Visualize it to the point that it feels real to you. You need to be clear and specific on what you want so the universe can help give it to you.

Keep Your Eyes Wide Open

Once you’ve got that specific visual of what you’re looking for, keep your eyes open for when the universe may present it to you. Use your intuition to know when an opportunity is here that will help you get what you want. Maybe a friend of yours mentions they are starting to do freelance graphic design on the side. Maybe a potential investor makes himself known. Whatever the opportunity may be, you have to keep your eyes and ears open for it.

Now all this doesn’t mean that hard work isn’t involved. That you don’t need to do anything to have success. It’s actually the exact opposite. You’re shifting your mindset and becoming hyper-focused on the right work that will make you a success.

Being an entrepreneur is challenging and it can be easy to get caught up in the negative when things aren’t going how you’d planned. Refocusing on what your goals are and what you’re ultimately looking to achieve can help you stay on the path of success.