Cranberries Found to Exhibit Diabetes-Fighting Effects

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( — August 9, 2021) Orlando, FL — Cranberry juice is a popular remedy for urinary tract infections (UTIs). It is worth keeping in mind that this therapeutic drink is widely studied due to its remarkable healing effects. 

The North American cranberry is the most commonly grown species in the U.S. Cranberries have a sharp and sour taste and are not usually consumed raw. 

Studies suggest that it contains vitamins, minerals, and even antioxidants, some of which are beneficial for individuals suffering from diabetes. It is also considered as one of the lowest sugar fruits as it only contains four grams of sugar per cup of whole berries.

Researchers also suggest that it has high levels of fiber, and for the fact that it has reduced sugar levels, it won’t cause a spike in blood glucose. What makes this remedy even more beneficial is that it actually contains a mineral called manganese that helps control blood sugar levels.

In 2012, a small study was carried out and published in the Journal of research in Medicinal Science.

The findings of this research have shown that consumption of one cup of cranberry juice every day helped in regulating blood sugar in male patients of type 2 diabetes. 

More studies are still being carried out to explore the diabetes-fighting benefits of this remedy. However today, it is a popular treatment for UTIs and is even used as a safer alternative to antibiotics. 

These medications work in fighting the bacteria that cause an infection in the urinary tract, such as the E.coli bacteria. However, it is also worth keeping in mind that they end up killing the beneficial bacteria in the body, and this may lead to undesirable health outcomes.

This type of medication can also cause antibiotic resistance, which is considered by experts to be a global health threat. 

Today, there are many who utilize the benefits of this remedy through the use of supplements like Divine Bounty D-mannose.  D-mannose is a therapeutic sugar that is thought to be responsible for the UTI-fighting benefits of cranberry.

What makes this formula even more beneficial is that it actually has cranberry and dandelion extracts. Multiple research studies have demonstrated that intake of these two ingredients even if done separately may produce therapeutic benefits.

Divine Bounty D-mannose is widely used by individuals who suffer from UTIs. It is made carefully in an FDA-inspected facility in the U.S. and is protected with a customer satisfaction guarantee. This is to ensure that consumers get the best value of their hard-earned dollars.

About Divine Bounty

Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty has carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at

Divine Bounty

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Suite 236 A
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United States