Some Kitchen Ingredients Have Diarrhea-Fighting Effects, Experts Say

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( — August 11, 2021) Orlando, FL — Digestive health issues like diarrhea can happen to anyone and usually lasts in less than 2 weeks. It develops when the body struggles to deal with disruptions in the gastrointestinal system. 

Experts say that it can be triggered by a viral infection, food poisoning, a bacterial infection, or the use of antibiotics. 

There are all-natural remedies helpful in battling diarrhea, and many of them can actually be found in the kitchen. 

One of the strongest weapons against the serious effects of this digestive health issue is to stay hydrated. In older adults and young children, dehydration due to diarrhea can be fatal. It is important to drink water and refrain from intake of soda, milk, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks. 

For children with this digestive health issue, it would be best to use over-the-counter oral pediatric hydration solutions. Some medications that can be purchased over the counter may also be particularly beneficial for adults with acute diarrhea. 

There is a natural ingredient called activated charcoal that could be particularly helpful in getting relief from diarrhea. 

Over the years, the scientific community has been studying the impacts of activated charcoal in battling digestive health issues. It is worth mentioning that this remedy is made from peat, coal, or coconut shells heated at extremely high temperatures.

This process activates it and produces a highly porous surface that works like a magnet to toxins and chemicals. Intake of activated charcoal has been found particularly helpful in detoxifying the body from toxins. 

It is recommended for individuals who are prone to diarrhea like travelers. It has been shown intake of this remedy works in offering relief to digestive health issues, such as diarrhea, stomach upset, intestinal gas, and bloating. 

It is also used for other purposes, such as teeth whitening, filtering water, and odor elimination. 

Today, extra-strength supplements like Divine Bounty Activated Charcoal are found to be particularly beneficial in delivering its highly adsorbent benefits. 

In some studies, the use of this remedy has been found to work in producing relief from digestive health issues.

This formula offers pretty much everything that consumers look for in a supplement. It is not just highly potent and pure but is also made carefully in an FDA-inspected facility in the United States. 

It is important to learn that toxins have been found to be detrimental to immune system health. In these times of global health crisis, experts have time and again recommended to ensure maintain strong immunity.

Since Divine Bounty Activated Charcoal is an excellent detox formula, it could be useful for immune system health. (

About Divine Bounty

Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty has carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at

Divine Bounty

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Suite 236 A
Orlando, FL 32826
United States