GeniusVets is updating services to include a digital job board that veterinary professionals can consult for opportunities across the US. The site also allows veterinarians to post jobs cost-free.
With their latest announcement, the founders of the GeniusVets platform are adding an extra layer of service to those who work in the field of veterinary care – a veterinary job board where industry professionals can go to post free job listings.
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GeniusVets is an online resource developed to connect pet owners with the veterinary services they seek, and advice and information they can rely on. To help those in the veterinary care industry find their ideal job, in their ideal location, the site now includes a national digital job board. The newly updated platform also allows practice owners a cost-free opportunity to advertise job openings at their clinics.
GeniusVets was launched by a top veterinarian and practice owner in consultation with a team of digital technologists. The service was developed to meet pet owners’ needs by providing an online, all-in-one resource. It also serves as a promotional resource for veterinary practice owners.
GeniusVets gives pet owners a place to go to find quality veterinary services along with pet care information delivered directly from doctors in the field. Audiences can feel confident the information they’re receiving meets medical standards rather than pet supplier goals or blogger targets.
Unbiased and customer-oriented, GeniusVets benefits both pet owners and those who work in veterinary care. Audiences looking for quality pet care can instantly access a list of recommended local clinics simply by inputting their state and city. The service significantly reduces the amount of time they would normally spend researching individual listings, providing both convenience and peace of mind.
DVMs benefit from the GeniusVet service by receiving instant exposure among in-market audiences without hiring SEO specialists or digital marketing agencies. GeniusVets places veterinary professionals in front of audiences that are actively seeking their services and enables them to publish their practice’s profile, along with location, contact information and service highlights.
With updates to the platform that include a digital job board, anyone in the pet care industry, from dog bathers to veterinarian technicians to doctors of veterinary medicine can instantly research available openings across the country. With the opportunity for practice owners to list their clinic’s job openings, GeniusVets helps DVMs find their ideal candidates quickly and conveniently.
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