Research Warns Osteoporosis Accounts for Over 8.9 Million Fractures Worldwide

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( — August 25, 2021) Orlando, FL — Scientists warn that globally, a bone condition called osteoporosis accounts for more than 8.9 million fractures yearly. It is worth realizing that this accounts for an osteoporotic fracture every 3 seconds.

Around the world, this condition has been estimated to affect 200 million. In the USA, Europe, and Japan, it affects about 75 million individuals. 

By 2050, the global incidence of hip fracture in men is predicted to increase by 310 percent compared to the 1990 rates. In women, it is projected to increase by 240 percent. 

Health authorities have long been warning that disability caused by osteoporosis is a bigger problem than that produced by cancers. 

The good news is that diet has been found to play a significant role in strengthening and protecting bone health. Getting adequate nutrients like vitamin D and calcium has been found effective in warding off osteoporosis. 

Experts warn against the dangers of salt intake as research has shown high-salt diet leads to more bone mineral loss. 

According to Linda K. Massey, Ph.D., RD, the salt content of the typical American diet is one of the reasons why calcium requirements are so high 

Massey is a professor of human nutrition at Washington State University in Spokane.

Enhancing bone health and protection may be achieved through the help of nutrients like magnesium. This macromineral has long been identified to be as important as calcium and vitamin D for bone health. 

In a study carried out in 2013, it has been found that a balanced level of magnesium within the bones is crucial for bone health. Further, too little magnesium could contribute to bone loss.

This is due to the fact that it could negatively impact the crystal formation in bone cells. Reduced magnesium levels have further been found to affect the amount of parathyroid hormone produced. This pertains to the amount of calcium your body absorbs which is controlled by the parathyroid hormone.

On top of these, decreased levels of magnesium create inflammation in the bones. These are the reasons why magnesium is essential for bone loss prevention.

According to research, individuals who have increased intake of this mineral have a higher bone mineral density. This is essential in the prevention of bone fractures as well as conditions like osteoporosis. 

Aside from its bone health benefits, magnesium has been found to have diabetes-fighting, neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, hypertension-regulating, stress-reducing, and mood-boosting potentials.

Supplements like Divine Bounty Magnesium Citrate may be useful in delivering the therapeutic goodness of this mineral (

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