Top 5 Advantages of Guy Grip

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( — August 23, 2021) — When we go outside, we see hundreds of poles and towers anchored straight. Have you ever wondered how those megastructures are anchored? Well, anchoring a giant tower and pole requires technicality and special tools. Guy grip is a special tool that is used in the anchoring of any pole or tower. If you have never heard of Guy grip, then read till the end, as this article will tell you all about guy grip and its advantages. 

What is a guy grip?

Let’s start the article with a basic definition of the term guy grip. Also known as Guy grip dead-end or preformed guy grip is an electric accessory. It is a tensioned cable, which adds stability and strength to any structure like a tower, pole, turbine, ship masts, etc. Guy grip is designed to secure dead ends in utility pole installation, thus anchoring it. 

Guy grip’s function

Guy grips are widely used in electric poles and other high towers, which are subjected to different types of loading, such as wind load, self-weight, earthquake, etc. In order for the pole to withstand these loads, it needs tension and support. Guy grip is designed to provide strength. The other functions of guy grip include gripping and connecting conductor, grounding wire, and optical fiber application. The guy grip has helically formed legs with inert grits on every turn, whose function is to hold the conductor or wire in place. 

What is the manufacturing process of guy grip?

The raw material used in the manufacturing of guy grip includes galvanized steel, aluminum-clad steel wire, and aluminum wire. Let’s now summarize the manufacturing process of guy grip:

  • The wire (aluminum or steel) is cut into the desired length using a cutting machine. 

  • The cut wires are performed into helical shape

  • 3 or 5 wires are bundled together using cable ties. Then the bundle is dipped in glue and left to dry up. After that, the cable’s tire is cut off. All the wires are again dipped in the glue. 

  • Then the inside helical wire spray sanding is carried out, which enhances the strength of the guy grip

  • At the end, the middle part of the wire is made to stand by bending into two legs.  

How does the guy grip work?

Guy grip is a simple assembly in which a set of wires are twisted to add stability to the cable. Guy grip comes in different designs, options, and sizes. The legs of the guy grip are wrapped around the conductor or grounding wire manually by hands. Then the two helical legs are wrapped into an empty tube, and the performed grip end will close as a circle. The wrapping of the guy grip offers a strong grip; thus, the slippage is minimized. 

Top 5 advantages of Henvcon guy grip:

Now that you know everything about the electric pole guy wire. Let me tell you about the benefits of Henvcon’s guy grip. We will only mention the top 5 advantages only. 

1.Extend the using life of the conductor

Guy grip is designed to enhance the life span of the conductor. Guy grip can significantly enhance the life span of the conductor. 

2.Endure high intension and high grip strength

Guy grip provides high strength and tension to the conductor, which keeps the wire intact in place. 

3.Easy installation and construction

Installing a guy grip is straightforward. One can quickly install the guy grip using hands without needing any sophisticated tools.  

4.Perfect corrosion resistance

The high strength and stability of the guy grip are designed to offer high corrosion resistance. They are making it an ideal choice to withstand harsh environmental conditions. 

5.Better reliability and economic advantage 

Guy grip is a reliable and economical way of securing the conductor, providing protection to the tower or pole. 


Henvcon is a leading manufacturer and distributor of guy grip dead end and other electric pole accessories. Their electric accessories are trusted by thousands of power suppliers from all around the world. Moreover, they have years of experience in manufacture and distribution. Contact them today and place your order for guy grip.