How to Spot Phishing

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( — August 25, 2021) — Cybercriminals develop numerous ways to steal our data. Over time, they have developed some crafty tactics to catch out unsuspecting internet users. Hackers have only become better and better at developing their strategies.

One of these tactics is called phishing. Phishing websites pose a security risk to steal your data. Criminals have used phishing for years, and they have become excellent at perfecting ways to commit their crimes.

If you want to stay safe online it is crucial that you understand phishing. You not only need to know what it is, but you also need to know how to spot phishing before it’s too late. You also need to ensure that your cybersecurity measures are up to standard.

What Is Phishing?

Firstly, it is important to understand what phishing is. Phishing is a type of cybercrime where the hacker will trick their victim into giving them sensitive information. The type of information they are after varies depending on the crime they want to commit.

For example, they might steal your banking details to gain access to your financial data. This will allow them to use your bank account and make fraudulent transactions. They might even ask for something as simple as your name and social security number.

If they gain access to these details they can open accounts in your name. For example, they might open a utility account in your name, which will never be paid. You will be the person who gets into trouble for this since your details are linked to the account.

They can also sell your information on the dark web. Information such as phone numbers, email addresses and social security numbers can sell for large amounts of money on the dark web.

Hackers can also use phishing to install spyware or ransomware on your devices. The software will be downloaded discreetly onto your device, and you may never even know that it is there.

Most of us have heard about the Nigerian Prince scam. This is one type of phishing scam, however, criminals have become more clever over time. These days it can be something more believable such as upgrading your smartphone contact, fake invoices or even PayPal scams.

Can You Spot Phishing?

Phishing attacks are designed to be believable in order to get their victims to interact with them. Therefore you may find that they look very similar to companies that you interact with often and trust.

For example, one phishing scam is an email from Netflix. The email looks like it is from Netflix, using the same logo. The email informs you that your account is on hold due to a billing issue.

While everything might seem legit, there are some small factors you need to look out for. The email itself might have spelling or grammatical errors, it might have a general greeting, or the email address it is sent from might look slightly different.

The email will then contain an attachment, such as a fake invoice, or it might have a link that you need to click on which will supposedly direct you to the Netflix billing page on their website.

However, once you open the attachment or click on the link, malicious software will be installed on your device. It is important to take notice of the contents of the email to try and spot any errors or suspicious content.

How Can You Protect Yourself Against Phishing?

There are several ways to avoid phishing scams. However, almost all of us will come into contact with a phishing attack at some point or another. The best way to protect yourself against them is to avoid it altogether.

The first thing you need to do is be careful with your emails. Emails are one of the most common phishing schemes, and some of them can look legit. If it is something urgent, inspect the email carefully before you interact with it.

Phishing can also come in the form of text messages. These can be disguised as your bank, or any other organization you may be associated with. It is vital that you never give out your personal information in these cases.

Phishing scams can become even more intricate than that though. In some cases, craft cybercriminals can even create fake websites that look like your banking website. As soon as you enter your login credentials it will be in the hands of the hacker.

Always check the websites you are visiting, especially if they require you to enter a login and password. You need to look out for the same elements, such as spelling errors, a slight change in the logo or anything that might look suspicious.

You also need to secure your devices using antivirus software. This will alert you if you are on a suspicious website, or if unknown software is downloaded onto your device. Using a VPN can also encrypt your internet traffic which will prevent anyone else from gaining access to it.

Why You Need to Educate Those Around You About Phishing

Educating those around us about phishing is just as important. Phishing attacks can happen to anyone, even our friends and family. If they don’t know about it, you are still at risk of becoming a victim.

For example, if one of our family members unknowingly visits a fake website on one of our devices. Clicking on fake pop up ads or following fake links could put our devices at risk of being breached by cybercriminals.