Experts Highlight the Link Between Emotional Eating and Weight Regulation

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( — September 24, 2021) Orlando, FL — An increasing number of research studies are being carried out to look into the dangerous health outcomes linked with obesity. 

Data shows that obesity is actually associated with over 60 chronic diseases, which include stroke, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. 

Experts warn that overweight children are more likely to grow as overweight adults. One of the issues about obesity is that it is expensive, as it accounts for $147 billion costs every year. 

In the United States alone, it has been found that more than one-third of adults are obese. Roughly 17 percent of American children are found to have the condition, and these are the ones who belong to the age bracket of between 2 and 19 years. 

What makes this condition threatening is that it is one of the top five causes of death. Annually, it produces over 2.8 million deaths.

There are many contributing factors to weight gain, such as living a sedentary lifestyle or not having a regular exercise routine. Making bad food choices is also one of the major drivers of weight gain. 

A wide selection of food items like junk and processed ones are found to contribute to weight gain. It could also be a behavioral or habit issue, such as emotional eating.

Various studies have been carried out to look into the level of contribution emotional eating plays on weight gain. It is undeniable that emotions significantly influence eating habits and food choices. 

There are many who are hungry not physically but emotionally and do not even realize it. It is important to note that emotional hunger is not located in the stomach. It is the type that is difficult or even impossible it get out of the head. 

It often leads to shame, guilt, or regret, unlike physical hunger that is satisfied by simply providing what the body needs. There are many people who continue to gain weight because they are unable to address their emotional struggles.

There are actually many people who are on the verge of death emotionally eating their way to it. This is why it is vital to take the recommended measures in avoiding emotional hunger. 

In addition to dietary and lifestyle improvements as well as managing emotions, it may also be helpful to consider the use of weight loss all-natural aids like Divine Bounty L-Carnitine.

Some studies carried out in the past have demonstrated that L-Carnitine works in improving energy levels and enhancing fat burning. These are undeniably helpful in promoting weight loss.

L-Carnitine is resorted to by the many who are trying to manage their weight in a natural way. (

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Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty has carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at

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