How to Use Firewood in the Most Interesting Ways in Summer?

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( — October 13, 2021) –If you thought that firewoods were only winter essentials, then you might be mistaken. You might be thinking if it’s the right time to stock up on wood for winters, but in Australia, we know we are bound to celebrate a warm Christmas. 

How about we think of some innovation for your stacked firewood? Our most preferred type of hardwood to burn these summers are-

Redgum firewood

The redgum firewood burns brilliantly with sparkling flames without releasing too much smoke or ashes, making it ideal for burning in summer. 

Ironbark firewood

The ironbark firewood is great for combustion wood heaters, but it’s not ideal for open fires because of its low flame output.

Mixed-Eco friendly Firewood

The mixed load of quality hardwood eucalyptus including redgum, ironbark, box, stringybark firewood, blue gum, and other quality burning species. It is suitable for open fires and combustion fireplaces.

Here we bring the four most intriguing ways to burn the bulk of firewood you got for sale!

Fire Pits:

No, not the 2011 short film, but the fire pits that are becoming popular in hunters’ back gardens and patios. For a captivating outdoor sit with family and friends, the firepits using the redgum firewood become a scenic focal point for guests. Just some beer and loud music, and you are good to dance it out!


Any aesthetic interior-specific person would know the importance of Chiminea as an essential accessory to a stylish patio. Today’s outdoor fireplace was a cooking essential in the 17th century, where it was used as an outdoor elevated cooking vessel. 

Just grab a few kindling and place the ignited log slowly. Then, as the fires roar up, begin building with your Ready To Burn kiln-dried logs. Enjoy an aesthetic peaceful night with your loved ones. 

Wood burning stoves:

Sometimes summers have their fair share of chilly winds as well. A quiet and nice wood-burning stove is something that you might look forward to calling upon. The stove is a cheaper and more pleasant alternative to start the central heating on.


Indeed our favorite on the list and for all the good reasons too! Warming up marshmallows, singing out in the dense of the night, narrating the false childhood spooky tales, the campfires are a summary of warmth, jolly and some great memories are the best campfire highlights. We advise you to burn only kiln-dried from your firewood suppliers whose moisture content is not more than 25 percent to enjoy a fun-filled, instead of a smokey-filled evening. 

You can start your fire with fuel, like dry leaves or wood shavings, or any material capable of lighting and burning easily. The easy-burning fuel is supposed to be your firebase. 

Woodfire pizza oven:

Last but never least, Pizzasss!!! The wood fire pizza has become popular in kitchens, marquees, and outdoor caterers. But did you know that the wood fire pizza oven is becoming highly popular in homes too? Dozens of online stores are keen to rent them out for your special occasion. 

Remember to get the nicest wood fire pizza; you must use kiln-dried hardwood logs to reach a temperature of 400 degrees. 

Benefits of buying redgum firewood from an authenticated firewood seller:

  • The sustainable and legally sourced wood
  • Compliance with the National Code of Practise for Firewood Suppliers
  • Compliance checks on wood supply
  • Correct moisture content less than 25%
  • Correct weight (tonnage) and volume (stacked tightly) of wood supplied