Critical Illness & Money Back Life Insurance – Updated Options

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Canadian Life Insurance Guides (1 -888-709-1001) has updated its offering on money back life insurance to include critical illness coverage features.

The recently updated options is in response to the changing features available with money-back life insurance. Clients can now choose to receive a lump sum payment if they suffer from a critical illness to help offset the costs of treatment, travel, and time off.

To learn more about money back life insurance, please visit

The updated critical illness insurance is available as an add-on to traditional insurance policies, including the standard “money back” and the “wealth builder” packages. Once the feature is added to a client’s insurance, it can last until they reach age 75 as long as the policy is kept in force.

Money-back life insurance is similar to standard insurance, except that it also pays a lump sum back to the client at the end of their term. The standard packages offered by Canadian Life Insurance Guides are projected to return the entire amount a client has paid into insurance back to them when their contract ends.

The report also discusses a wealth builder package where clients pay money into the insurance, in order to have access to a larger sum of tax-free cash in retirement. The wealth builder package returns significantly more than the client has paid into their insurance.

For clients who cannot afford the money-back insurance, the advisors have an economical upgradeable term option. This package is similar to standard life insurance, but with an option to upgrade to a money-back package. Interested clients can find a package calculator on their website.

Canadian Life Insurance Guides are independent agents that contract for insurance providers to offer their clients the best possible options. Their mission is to provide clients with life insurance policies that can take care of their beneficiaries in the event of an accident, or that will pay back the original client if they survive longer than their term.

A satisfied client said, “I like how Canadian Life Insurance Guides offered me pressure-free consulting. They really explained everything in a manner that I could understand. I felt valued and appreciated for my business. I would definitely recommend them.”

For more information about money-back life insurance or to learn about the critical illness option, please visit