Why Krishen Iyer and Other Marketing Experts Focus on Operations

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(Newswire.net — October 20, 2021) —

We aren’t going to surprise anyone by saying that marketing has been a little more challenging than usual lately. It’s not just the economic fallout from COVID either – other factors are also making clients more hesitant to want to spend a lot of time and money on outreach. Owners of marketing firms, including thought leader Krishen Iyer from MAIS Consulting, are also seeing challenges in convincing clients why it’s so important to continue their efforts, as well as bringing in new clients.

Luckily, better marketers like Krishen Iyer and others are taking the opportunity to show their flexibility and abilities to adapt. They or their clients may have fewer resources, but everyone can work together to find creative new solutions.

A big part of this approach can come from a focus on centralizing a company’s marketing operations. This concept provides more of a sky-high view of all the components of a company’s marketing efforts. It’s a slightly different approach than some modern methods that put more emphasis on certain components of marketing campaigns like analytics, content, technology, or people.

Instead, marketing operations should be the starting place that drives all of these decisions and tools, rather than the other way around. This general approach can have positive results.


Krishen Iyer’s view

This approach is similar to the outlook and practices of noted marketing expert Krishen Iyer. The CEO and founder of MAIS Consulting has found a successful niche that involves helping clients in the insurance industry with their marketing strategies and with general assistance in outreach and business development.

He brings more than 20 years of insurance industry experience, where he worked in a variety of positions. He now has become a go-to person for insurance clients wanting help with not just their marketing but general policies and dealing with strategic, sensible growth.

Krishen Iyer has owned and operated several insurance companies and also has been an agent. He’s learned the importance of always providing optimal service to clients and the usefulness of creating strategic alliances. He also likes to explore ways to provide mentorship opportunities within the industry, which could have the potential to connect new agents with individuals who have been around for years who want to give back but don’t know how or where to get started.

Part of his efforts includes teaching clients useful marketing skills as well as providing them with all sorts of tools, which hopefully can lead to larger numbers of customers seeing their messages, then being interested in learning more, and eventually becoming lifelong customers. That’s the ultimate goal of marketing!

With all the distracting technologies, strategies, and “latest trends” out there, it’s sometimes hard to keep one’s eye on this end goal.

But Krishen Iyer is an excellent example of the usefulness and value of being what can be called a generalist. He enjoys working closely with clients, then giving them ideas and supporting them until these ideas become reality, and start showing positive results. His attention to overall marketing operations leads to more efficient processes, better ROI, and more success for each client.

Another aspect of marketing operations is seeking collaboration – though it’s always a good idea to identify one’s competition and overall market share, there are times when it’s OK to reach out to them. For instance, a competitor may offer a product or service you may not and vice versa, so mentioning this to a client can help them feel like you’re looking out for their interests and helping find the perfect solution wherever it takes them. Ultimately, this path can be more successful because the client – and their customers – are the winners.


Finding a niche

Krishen Iyer grew up in California. He attended and graduated from Bullard High School in 1998, a school located in the Fresno area.

His next step was to head south to San Diego State University. There, he studied a variety of programs and joined the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. His efforts led to him earning a bachelor of arts degree in public administration and urban development.

After he graduated, he received his first position in the insurance industry. This eventually led to managing a variety of insurance offices and affiliated distribution centers. He was in a perfect position to help different clients with all sorts of needs and situations.

Eventually, he learned enough about the industry, including its current needs, that he opened his own firm called MNP Insurance that also went by the name Name My Premium.

Krishen Iyer did well with his venture, and even landed on Forbes magazine’s annual lists: Name My Premium was in the top 5,000 of top businesses in 2015.

Next, he created another company called Managed Benefit Services, a full-service licensed insurance agency that also offered market services. He and the MBS staff worked with many clients at different insurance providers.

One unique product that MBS offered to clients was access to a series of sales leads. These were generated using customer data to create a formula of which types of customers could be the most ideal to purchase insurance products or add on to what they already have. Each lead represented “the best likelihood” of being able to turn into a customer by accessing specific services.

Clients who purchased these lists were able to focus their attention on these specific types of customers rather than trying to market to a larger group of customers that may include a lot of rejections and wasted time.

After a few years, Krishen Iyer agreed to sell Managed Benefit Services. This provided him seed money which he used to found another company, MAIS Consulting. This company, which is based in Encinitas, CA., offers a variety of services to help clients.

When working with clients, he encourages them to find ways to improve their processes, increase the number of customers, and build more partnerships. He also can provide advice on how to find and communicate with potential buyers if they want to sell.

To Krishen Iyer, knowing everything he can about each client and their unique needs is vital. Each day, he typically spends the first half meeting with his clients, hearing their requests and needs. Then, the rest of the day includes trying to find solutions for these concerns and challenges.

Overall, he has found that his experience and familiarity with the insurance industry helps, but his experience dealing with people and meeting their needs is also important for effective marketing efforts.