Large Long-Term U.S. Study Now Links Sugary Beverages With Early Mortality

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( — October 29, 2021) Orlando, FL — Health authorities have long been warning against the intake of sugary beverages as they are linked with the increased risk of diseases. In a new study, it has been found that this type of drink may increase premature death. 

A large long-term study carried out in the United States reveals that a higher intake of sugary beverages is associated with the heightened risk of early mortality. Premature death was particularly due to cardiovascular disease and cancer and was more likely to affect women. 

This interesting study was spearheaded by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and was published in the Circulation journal. 

Scientists particularly reveal that intake of one artificially sweetened beverage (ASB) per day instead of a sugary one reduced the likelihood of premature death. 

According to Vasanti Malik, a research scientist in the Department of Nutrition and the lead author of the study, the results provide further support to reduce intake of SSBs and to replace them with other beverages, such as water, to improve overall health and longevity.

Studies reveal that in a United States diet, SSBs are the only largest source of added sugar. They can be found in carbonated and noncarbonated soft drinks, fruit drinks, energy drinks, and sports drinks.

The findings of the study are undeniably consistent with the strong evidence that consuming sugar-sweetened beverages heightens the risk of type 2 diabetes, which is classified as the major risk factor for premature death.

It is important to reduce intake of these drinks as they can have dangerous effects on overall health. Avoiding these beverages could be helpful in prolonging one’s lifespan.

It may also be helpful to resort to some longevity-promoting remedies, and one is to use resveratrol. This powerful antioxidant has been found to work wonders in extending the lifespan of a number of organisms. 

This powerful antioxidant has demonstrated its ability to extend the lifespan of worms, flies, and yeast. Scientists even suggest it could offer protection against age-related conditions, such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and cancer.

Due to its disease-fighting benefits, it is a strongly recommended remedy as to a preventive measure against some of the world’s most prevalent diseases. Experts even say it could counteract the symptoms of age-related diseases.

Today, more and more people are turning to the use of this natural remedy to increase their protection against ailments.

One of the best sources of this natural remedy is Purest Vantage Resveratrol, which continues to gain popularity in the global market today. It is worth noting that this formula is known to be highly potent and pure, and is even protected with a money-back guarantee (


Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


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