Scientists Warn Stress May Be the Underlying Cause of Acne

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( — November 2, 2021) Orlando, FL — Health authorities have long been warning that acne affects more than the skin as it negatively impacts one’s self-esteem. There are certain factors found to influence the development of this condition, and they include stress. 

A study was reported in the July issue of the Archives of Dermatology.

In this research, the investigators enlisted 22 Stanford students, 15 women, and 7 men, with varying degrees of acne. It has been found that the skin condition worsened among college students experiencing stress due to examinations. 

According to study author Dr. Alexa B. Kimball, they were interested in exploring whether the association people commonly thought existed was true or not.

Dr. Kimball is an associate professor of dermatology at Stanford University School of Medicine. 

“This is the first look at that relationship. And although the numbers are small, the findings are clinically and statistically significant,” Kimball adds. 

It is theorized that stress causes hormonal changes, which in turn triggers acne. These changes particularly include glucocorticoids.

“There have been studies showing that relaxation and imaging techniques are helpful for people with acne,” Kimball says.

Experts have long recommended resorting to stress-reduction techniques not just to ward off acne, but also other conditions. One that is highly recommended by some experts is to use a natural remedy called Rhodiola Rosea, which has long been used in Russia and Scandinavian countries for various medicinal purposes.

In studies involving animals and humans, it has been found intake of Rhodiola decreased and prevented stress and fatigue. 

Experts suggest Rhodiola contains anti-inflammatory agents, which can aid in reducing symptoms of physical and psychological ailments. It is most widely known as a stress reliever and this is backed by science.

Studies even show it has adaptogenic abilities and this means it could work wonders in warding off a range of diseases and disorders. This plant actually grows in the most inhospitable areas and it succeeds in surviving due to its ability to fight stress.

Research reveals that it can reduce stress hormone levels, and this means it works wonders inside the body to fight stress. Aside from its stress-fighting effects, this natural remedy may also deliver a range of therapeutic effects.

Its use is also linked with various skin health benefits, and this is why today, there are many people who turn to the use of this natural remedy.

There are formulas like Divine Bounty RhodiolaRosea found to aid in delivering this natural remedy healing goodness. It is highly potent and pure and is gaining increasing popularity in the global market (

About Divine Bounty

Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty has carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at

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