Increased Water Intake Found to Lessen UTI Recurrence

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( — November 18, 2021) Orlando, FL — Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are undeniably common yet, as many studies suggest, they are highly preventable.

A study has shown that women who frequently suffer from UTIs may lessen their risk of infection by consuming plenty of water, particularly an additional three pints of water a day. 

This research revealed that those who increased their water intake were almost half as likely to get UTIs as women who did not.  

“While doctors have long assumed this is the case and often recommended that women at risk for UTIs increase their fluid intake, it’s never really undergone a prospective trial before,” said Thomas M. Hooton, MD.

Hooton is the lead author of the study and clinical director of the Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Miami School of Medicine. 

“It’s good to know the recommendation is valid, and that drinking water is an easy and safe way to prevent an uncomfortable and annoying infection.”

It has long been known that women are more susceptible to the infection due in part to their shorter urethra, which makes access of bacterial to the bladder easier. Consumption of more fluids has also been an old and effective technique to flush bacteria from the bladder. 

This is significantly helpful in lessening the concentration of bacteria entering the bladder from the vagina, lessening the chances of the bacteria latching onto the cells lining the urinary tract to trigger an infection.

The study actually included 140 healthy premenopausal women who had a minimum of three   UTIs in the last year. The subjects also reported low daily fluid intake. 

“If a woman has recurrent UTIs and is looking for a way to reduce her risk, the evidence suggests that if she increases the amount of water she drinks and stays with it, she’ll likely benefit,” Dr. Hooton said.

Increased water intake has time and again been found extremely beneficial in warding off the infection. There are also other beverages like cranberry juice studies have discovered to have strong medicinal benefits.

Cranberry contains a harmless and therapeutic sugar called D-mannose, which has long been known to combat UTIs. It works by binding with the UTI-causing bacteria and flushing them out of the body.

Intake of supplements like Divine Bounty D-mannose is even common today among individuals with recurrent UTIs. This amazing formula is believed to be superior to other brands and comes with a money-back guarantee, which makes each purchase risk-free. (

About Divine Bounty

Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty has carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at

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