8 Dating Mistakes Women Make

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(Newswire.net — November 15, 2021) — Dating can be very tricky for women. Men (and everyone else, for that matter) are often confusing and difficult to read, so it’s easy to get flustered when you’re trying to understand their actions and signals. Even worse, sometimes, you might not realize that you are making mistakes when it comes to dating.

Here are eight common mistakes women make when trying to date someone special.

Hoping for too much too soon 

You’ve finally met a great guy who you think could be “the one”! Now it’s time to drop the standard three-day rule and show him how perfect you can be together! Right? Wrong.

Yes, having chemistry is really important in a relationship, but rushing things will only scare off your new potential partner. Instead of trying to impress him right away or showing all of your cards at once, take your time getting to know him first. Slowly begin opening up about how you feel one step at a time, and let him do the same. There’s a lot you can learn about someone before you decide whether or not he is worth your time – believe me, no matter how great the chemistry might be, it only tells part of the story!

Finding someone that doesn’t want what you do

As a woman, you deserve a man who will treat you right and support you in your future goals. Your career might be very important to you, so finding someone who doesn’t understand that just won’t work out. You need to find a guy who values ambition and motivation as much as you do. If you want a committed relationship while he frequently visits a sugar daddy site, things definitely aren’t aligned.

Don’t let yourself fall for someone simply because he is amazing or great on paper if he doesn’t share your vision of the future!

Assuming that everyone thinks like you 

You’ve been out with your new guy a few times now, and things are going pretty well. But when he doesn’t text back right away after one of your dates, suddenly, all those thoughts about what a great match you two would make start to creep into your head. You begin to wonder if he’s lost interest or just isn’t as excited about this as you are – but should you really jump to conclusions? 

Everyone has their way of doing things. Just because you would have texted back right away doesn’t mean that everyone else will, too! Try to avoid making assumptions about what he really means or wants. Instead, wait for him to communicate with you before getting all worked up over nothing.

Thinking it’s OK to be clingy 

The guy you are seeing has suddenly become pretty scarce. You know he’s still hanging around, though, because his Facebook status says so, and he hasn’t changed his relationship status there yet either. This is certainly a dating red flag you need to avoid.… But why is it suddenly so hard for him to find the time in his busy schedule for you? Is something wrong? Should you bring this up with him? 

It can be nerve-wracking when someone you’re seeing starts to pull away, but you must resist the urge to become desperate and clingy. Instead of pressuring him to make more time for you (which will only push him further and further away), try taking a step back and letting him come to you instead. By allowing him the space he’s looking for, it will be easier for him to appreciate all that you have to offer – and he’ll be less likely to run for the hills!

Trying to get him jealous 

When you disagree with someone, one of the oldest tricks in the book is to try and get them jealous to get their attention. It usually works because we humans are pretty simple creatures… But when it comes to dating, this trick almost always backfires! Instead of flirting with other guys or trying to show off how beautiful you look, just be yourself instead. Let him miss out on all the fun things you two could have been doing together if he wasn’t so distant – he’ll come around eventually!

Assuming that all men think as you do 

Yes, women and men definitely do think differently from each other (and no, we’re talking about fashion here). When it comes to dating, though, this is a huge mistake! No matter how similar you and your new guy might seem on the surface, you must remember that he is not a woman and does not think like one. Instead of assuming that you two want the same things in life or even in a relationship, talk about these things instead to make sure there are no surprises down the line.

Being demanding instead of clear 

There is a big difference between being clear about what you want in a relationship or even just hanging out together and demanding. For instance, saying, “I would really like us to have more nights together, but I also don’t want to feel like I’m pressuring you,” is being clear about your expectations, whereas saying, “I need more from this relationship right now, or it’s over!” doesn’t leave much room for compromise. When you’re honest with your intentions, he will be better able to respond to what you have to say without feeling threatened or backed into a corner!

Not seeing the signs of disinterest 

You might not see the signs that someone isn’t interested in things moving forward if you are too caught up in trying to be perfect for him. For instance, rather than just asking him out on an official date during week three of hanging out together, try waiting until he initiates plans first so that he can show his interest in more serious things.


Although you might make mistakes when it comes to dating, that doesn’t mean there aren’t things you can do right! By avoiding the above examples of common dating mistakes, your relationships will go more smoothly and last longer. So pat yourself on the back for making smarter choices in the next one, and always remember to stay positive about love!