NJ Diet Reviews: Is It Worth Your Money?

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(Newswire.net — November 18, 2021) — If you’ve been trying to lose weight for a while, you’ve probably heard of DNA-based diets. These medically supervised programs offer customized options for weight loss, starting with a complete evaluation of the participant’s body. But is the NJ Diet actually worth the money? According to the website, the plan promises substantial weight loss for enrolled participants, using customized meal plans, supplements, and exercise regimens. The diet is a four-step program with medical professionals closely following patients throughout the forty days on the program. For additonal informaiton, you can check out the following to find out more about bonus.

What is the NJ Diet?

This medically supervised weight loss program was founded in New Jersey, with offices in multiple states. The program offers in-person consultations and programs, as well as an online service for anyone within the United States.  The NJ Diet focuses on nutrigenomics (the scientific influence of how genetics influence your nutritional needs). It uses this information to create customized meals, supplements, and physical activity throughout the program. 

Before starting the program, everyone must attend a consultation with the doctor. This consultation has participants undergo extensive testing, including blood, saliva, and hair testing. The medical professional will also assess your overall health, recording weight, muscle mass, and BMI.

From these results, doctors are able to create a customized program for every participant, establishing a baseline of nutritional requirements. Doctors prescribe all individuals a specific supplement routine (custom to your results), which promotes intense weight loss by shedding toxins. As the body continues to heal, weight loss amplifies; many participants lose between 20-45 pounds while following the program.

The Science Behind DNA-based Diets

DNA-based diets follow the science behind nutrigenomics, an upcoming field that focuses on how genetics influence nutrition, health, and how the body processes these nutrients. Essentially, it is the study of micro and macronutrients and their connection to genes within the body. Nutrigenomics is still a relatively new field; the concepts behind DNA-based diets aren’t a new concept. In the early 20th century, physician Archibald Garrod established the connection between genetics, phenotype, and nutrition.

Nutrigenomics is helpful for anyone that wants to understand the core functioning of their body, along with any connection nutrition may play within that field. For those struggling to lose weight (despite watching what they eat and strict exercise routines), it may be the answer they’ve been looking for. 

Through testing, medical professionals can uncover why situations exist for a patient, how to promote overall health through specific eating patterns, and which gene variants might influence your overall health on lifestyle diets (like keto, gluten-free, or vegan choices). It can also identify critical sources for micro and macronutrients.

Finally, these genetic tests can highlight predispositions to specific health conditions. Gene variants that increase one’s risk of breast cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and mental health conditions are all connected to expressions. Most of these conditions now have a dietary preventative. This means, the more an individual knows of their body, the better informed they’ll be moving forward. It also promotes overall health from a genetic standard; if someone knows that their body doesn’t absorb vitamin D from the sun, they’ll be more inclined to take a supplement daily.

The Cost Breakdown of the Program

Anyone interested in the program must register for a consultation with a doctor. The fee for this service is $99 but goes on sale regularly online. At the time of writing, the consultation is only $27. This consultation fee includes your genetic testing, biomarkers, and health evaluation. 

Those wanting to pursue the program will enter into the 40-day routine and enter the program’s second phase. To follow the NJ Diet, users must purchase customized supplements. These are tailored specifically to your health requirements to optimize your overall health. According to NJ Diet reviews, the fee connected with the supplements can range between $900 to $2,100. Unfortunately, there is no way to estimate the final cost of the supplements, as they are unique to each individual.

Are there additional fees?

No. While registered with the NJ Diet, the supplements (and food you’ll need to make) are the only fees attached to the program. Participants will not have to pay for the doctor’s check-ins, scans, or medical evaluations while following the diet. Medical professionals may change, alter, or switch your plan to optimize weight loss throughout the program. As such, users may need to purchase additional products in specific situations. This may include different supplements to promote optimal gut health.

Does the NJ Diet Work?

Yes. While following the program, users are likely to lose considerable amounts of weight. With the customized meal plans, supplements, and exercise programs, this program works. You’ll also have frequent check-ins with your doctor to review the weight loss while on the NJ diet. As such, those struggling to lose weight on the plan can have their regimen altered.  With check-ins every ten to fourteen days, participants will remain closely monitored for optimal weight loss without sacrificing their health or quality of life during the program.

What happens after the program?

After the 40-day program, participants will undergo additional testing and analysis to get a complete understanding of their overall health. The doctor will review all results with the patient to ensure they have a solid understanding of how their body works. Doctors will disclose any risk factors or “bad” genes (ones that predispose to various medical conditions). Likewise, doctors will ensure that you know the best foods to eat for your genetic makeup, which foods to avoid, and maintain weight loss without rebounding. 

Can I buy my own supplements?

Unfortunately, no. Due to the nature of the program, all supplements must be purchased through the medical clinic. This is to ensure quality control, accuracy, and accurate dosing. As every supplement is individual, you are unlikely to find the proper dose at a health food store. 

What do others have to say about the program?

While researching the NJ Diet, hundreds of reviews highlighting success on the program show up across multiple platforms. Users indicate great success in losing weight, improving their health, minimizing health conditions, and being satisfied with the investment overall. Most users recommend the program for those wanting to lose considerable amounts of weight (and keep it off). Testimonials confirm that they didn’t feel hungry on the program, despite a strict meal plan.

For those reviews found on third-party websites, the medical professionals actively interact with past, current, and potential clients. Anyone struggling to keep the weight off is encouraged to contact the office for a follow-up. The doctors are supportive and encouraging with direct feedback for previous clients.