It Starts With Diet Why Supplements Alone Don’t Cut It

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( — November 23, 2021) –Everybody wants to look fit and healthy. This is the reason why a large percentage of the population takes over-the-counter supplements from supplement providers such as Vimergy, increasing the demand for supplements in the manufacturing industry. No doubt intake of supplements serves the purpose but the nutritionists are concerned that depending on supplements solely will cause people to avoid basic nutrition. Having a healthy diet that includes the best food, containing all the required nutrients, is very important to stay healthy, regardless of the intake of the supplements.  

Bioavailability and Why It Matters

Bioavailability, the ability of a nutrient to be absorbed by the body and used efficiently, is the major concern of scientists. According to them, this is a very significant factor to be discussed while talking about the benefits and limitations of the supplements since nutrients, whether minerals or vitamins are not created equal. Regardless of the presence of a large number of minerals or vitamins in supplements, their ability to be taken up by the blood and circulated in the body efficiently differs. In short, the bioavailability of the supplements differs from one supplement to the other. Some might be absorbed but others might be excreted out of the body without a little or no absorption, while still others might not be in their finest form for absorption in the body. 

Intake of natural foods eliminates any worries related to bioavailability since all the vitamins and nutrients have been paired perfectly in organic food items by nature. This can be better explained through an example. Absorption of iron taken through a pill might be difficult for the body however when this iron is paired with vitamin C, it gets absorbed into the body at a much faster rate. Such a combination is naturally available in green vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, and kale, thus making organic food the best source of utilizing nutrients that are bioavailable. Hence, nature wins in this race from supplements, being the best supplier of the nutrients your body needs.

Not All Nutrients Can Be Taken In Through Supplements

In addition to this, scientists have unveiled that a number of nutrients, like antioxidants, for example, some phytonutrients and polyphenols, are not available as supplements and can only be utilized through organic food in the form of tomatoes, beetroot, berries, green leafy vegetables and so forth. The intake of nutrients through such natural sources ensures all your bodily needs are fulfilled. 

Responsible Use of Supplements

With this, I would like to say that intake of nutrients through natural sources must be increased or at least retained. However, it is of course not being recommended to stop the use of supplements as they are not useless and do help in several cases such as when somebody is sick or is not able to get the required nutrients through diet. 

Therefore, it is recommended to fulfill the nutrient needs of your body through food first and in case you want to start taking supplements or are required to do so for some reason, consult a nutritionist first and take the prescribed supplements in the said amount.