Air Pollution Found to Increase Disease Risk in Adulthood

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( — December 2, 2021) Orlando, FL — Researchers have been carrying out studies to look into the effects of air pollution on human health. It is important to note that in a study involving children, it’s been found to increase the risk of disease during adulthood.

The findings of this research were published in Nature Scientific Reports. 

The researchers have particularly revealed that children exposed to air pollution, such as car exhaust and wildfire, even for as little as one day may be at an increased odds of heart disease and other conditions in adulthood.  

This study is the first of its kind to look into the effects of air pollution at the single-cell level and to simultaneously concentrate on both the cardiovascular and immune systems in children.

The finding confirms previous research that bad air quality has the ability to alter gene regulation in a manner that may affect long-term health. Such a study result could influence the way medical experts and parents think about the air their kids breathe. 

“I think this is compelling enough for a pediatrician to say that we have evidence air pollution causes changes in the immune and cardiovascular system associated not only with asthma and respiratory diseases, as has been shown before,” said study lead author Mary Prunicki.

Prunicki is director of the air pollution and health research at Stanford’s Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy & Asthma Research. 

“It looks like even brief air pollution exposure can actually change the regulation and expression of children’s genes and perhaps alter blood pressure, potentially laying the foundation for increased risk of disease later in life.”

It is important to keep in mind that overall, respiratory ailments are killing more people every year. They also rank as the second most common cause of death globally.

“This is everyone’s problem,” said study senior author Kari Nadeau, director of the Parker Center. 

“Nearly half of Americans and the vast majority of people around the world live in places with unhealthy air. Understanding and mitigating the impacts could save a lot of lives.”

Today, studies looking into the negative effects of air pollution continue to pile up. It is worth noting that aside from air pollution, many people worldwide are also found to have high levels of toxins. 

These unwanted substances can be found not just in the air people breath, but also in water, food, and household products. It may be helpful to get a body detox through the use of Divine Bounty Activated Charcoal.

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