Why Is Knowledge Base an Integral Part of Large Communities?

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(Newswire.net — December 1, 2021) — Each company strives to have the best service to satisfy all customers and be able to answer all their questions. It’s easier to do when your company is small and you don’t have numerous customers. 

But when you provide products or services across a big audience it takes a lot of resources and efforts of the support team to process all cases. That is why many companies use their websites to create a knowledge base.

Let’s determine what the knowledge base is. The knowledge base is a structured data storage with useful information about products, services, or any topics your company specializes in. 

It’s a place where users can find all information about products and services, search the answers to their questions in the FAQ section, discuss any issues with other customers in the community groups, or contact support if they’re still struggling with something. Salesforce platform provides an opportunity to create a knowledge base right on your site using the Experience Cloud.

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There are some tips we want to give you on how to build a clear and convenient knowledge base:

Define the list of categories

You need to make a list of categories to build an easy and intuitive hierarchy so your site’s users can browse any information themselves. You can distribute categories by products, topics, audiences, or any other criteria that meet your needs.

Define the structure of your content

There should be some points you need to follow when writing an article to make it easy to read and navigate. For example, firstly describe the problem your customers have, then provide a step-by-step guide on how to solve the problem and add the appropriate screenshots, then describe what result the user should see after completing this process. Give users the ability to contact support in case the article didn’t help.

Keep your knowledge base up to date

Always keep your articles updated – delete outdated information and update guidelines according to the product changes. Analyze the feedback and requests of your customers to add new articles with the required information to your knowledge base.

In Salesforce you can create a public knowledge base for customers or an internal base for your employees. Let’s take a closer look at these two options:

Public Knowledge Base

Stay ahead of customers’ questions and build an easily accessible database where they can search for answers themselves before contacting the support. Users can access the site with a knowledge base at any time, from any place, and any device. This approach reduces the number of cases your support team receives and saves time for your customers as they don’t need to wait for the answers.

Internal Knowledge Base

It’s a good experience for employees to share their knowledge with each other. Every day your employees manage different processes, face and resolve problems, analyze mistakes and draw conclusions. Based on this knowledge they can create a comprehensive source of information for colleagues and new employees and significantly speed up the onboarding process, distribution of knowledge among the team, and problem-solving.

The process of creating such a base can be laborious and time-consuming so it can take additional motivation for your employees but it’s definitely worth it.

AC Knowledge Management Enterprise

Advanced Communities has a great solution for you if you decide to build a knowledge base on your Experience Cloud site. The AC Knowledge Management Enterprise is a native to Salesforce app with Lightning support that can help you effectively manage all data and make it easily accessible to your users. We provide advanced navigation so you can structure your articles and place them in the order you need. With our app, you’re not restricted by the Salesforce limits for the number of symbols in data category names and for article-length —  your articles can be as large as you need. Use our Case Deflection wizard to let your users go through the most common questions and topics before they submit a case. You can also create separate knowledge bases for different audiences and create separate pages for different products.

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As you can see the knowledge base really is an integral part of websites and brings a lot of benefits to your team as well as your customers.

So, you should make your Knowledge discoverable, visible, and ultimately useful for your clients. Ensuring considerable case deflection, improving the customer experience, and taking pressure off support teams helps you save much time of unnecessary work every month. Start building a useful and convenient knowledge base today!