Top 4 High Income Skills to Learn This 2022

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( — December 3, 2021) — The global pandemic has forced several businesses to either close down or retrench their employees. As such, many people were left with no choice but to find new work from a dwindling pool. 

Like many others, you have probably thought of looking for remote jobs. If possible, ones that require skills that you can learn by yourself. There are some easy-to-learn skills out there, but here’s a brief list of those that you can earn a good income with.

1. Digital Marketing

Online is in! It has been for a while now. Businesses big and small have resorted to having a digital presence to reach a wider audience. Many startups are also exclusively online. With tough competition in every corner, businesses will take any opportunity to get their products out in the market. This is where digital marketers come in.

Digital marketing is also called online marketing. You promote brands to attract potential customers using various forms of digital communication. Examples would be through websites, apps, or email. 

With a decent laptop/PC and a good Wi-Fi connection, you can learn digital marketing just about anywhere. Before anything else, though, you have to check first if the online courses you’ve found are legitimate, whether they are free or not. Every online course has its pros and cons, just like the Modern Millionaires. Before taking a lesson, do some research on the course content and, if possible, check out testimonials from previous students.  

Lead generation

One process that’s crucial to all businesses in lead generation. This is the process of attracting customer interest to increase future sales. If you enjoy communicating, learning this can earn you a pretty penny. As a lead generation specialist, you’ll not only help others thrive, but you’ll be thriving from your earnings as well. 

There’s a high demand for lead generation specialists because businesses need them to survive. You can learn this skill through online courses or one-on-one lessons, such as those from GG Money

2. Digital Design

Although both require a good amount of artistic talent, graphic and web design are two different fields. Graphic designers specialize in static imagery while web designers create interactive designs. If you have a good eye and enjoy making art, design is the skill to improve on. It could also get you a stable job.

Graphic design

Businesses of all types enjoy having a graphic designer in their team. Graphic designers are in charge of creating the advertisements customers will see first. From logos to banners, to shop mascots, you’ll make sure people notice a business and entice them to buy. 

All you need is a working laptop/PC and peripherals such as a digital tablet. Most importantly, you also need one or two programs for graphic design. Some programs come free while others have a monthly or one-time payment.   

Web design

One of the foundations of a good online business is its website. If a shop’s website still looks like it was created in the late 2000s, no one’s going to buy anything. Web design matters nowadays because not everyone has the time or patience to click through several pages to find one item.

As a web designer, you’ll make a business’s website as aesthetically pleasing as possible. Not to mention, easy to explore. UI/UX falls under this skill as well. Web design is fairly easy to learn through online courses.

3. Web Development

Not to be confused with web design, web development is the creation of the basic skeleton of a website. For small businesses wanting to step up, they’ll need a web developer to make their website from scratch. 

This skill needs knowledge in coding techniques like CSS, HTML, PHP, and JavaScript. Web development is also easy to learn online or through books. There are even online classes on coding for children. If kids can learn this skill at a young age, so can you. You can get paid to code, too.

4. Writing

Some may say that writing is a basic skill. With more practice and dedication, writing can get you paid well and also give you a stable career. Writing also tends to be a career that leaves you with a lot of free time. When you’re done with writing work, you can find ways to generate passive income while you’re at it, too.


Every business needs copy for its ads, websites, and other marketing materials. You’re in charge of writing persuasive content to market a business’s products. Content can be in the form of catalogs, print ads, etc. Part of being a copywriter is also understanding how SEO works because people tend to search for specific keywords about a product.

Editing and proofreading

Tend to notice wrong grammar often? If so, you might have the makings of an excellent editor or proofreader. Your work is important as many businesses don’t have the time to check if their products’ copy makes any grammatical sense. 

As an editor or proofreader, you may be working with copywriters. Spot mistakes and edit them as needed. This is for businesses to avoid possible mishaps that may make them go viral for the wrong reasons.


If you have a good ear and decent typing speed, you can earn by transcribing video-audio files. Many content creators have subtitles on their videos or official transcriptions for their podcast episodes. Those with hearing issues will appreciate the added subtitles on video-audio files. 

Like other skills, transcription doesn’t require a college degree to be done properly. In fact, because of retrenchment during the pandemic, employers prefer skills over a degree. Try practicing on existing media to improve both your listening and typing skills.


To save yourself from going bankrupt, try learning a skill or two that’s sure to get you earning some money. This is the perfect time to do so while you’re staying safe at home. Learning a new skill is also great for career-shifters. You might find something you never thought you could do and end up loving it.