BlastUp Discuss How to Grow Your Instagram Presence

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( — December 9, 2021) — If you are interested in taking your business to new heights, it is essential that you begin to cultivate a following on Instagram. Instagram is a bustle of activity with over 700 million monthly users and there has never been a more exciting time market on this advantageous platform. By increasing your followers, you build a brand community many of which will convert into paying customers. This is an especially good platform for reaching a younger target audience. According to statistics, more than 73% of Instagram users are between 15 and 35 years of age. 

In the following section, we have some of the top tips you will need to begin building your following on Instagram according to BlastUp.  


A good way to increase your broadcast radius is to connect with influencers and build good relationships with as many as you can.  This is a simple, yet highly effective way of creating interest in your brand, but before you begin doing this, make sure you have chosen influencers that are relevant to the products or services you are offering. 

Begin by filtering your Instagram search by following count and the right hashtags, this will ensure that the size and interests of the influencers following are just right for what you are trying to achieve. If you are a location-based interest looking to build awareness within your local community, you can also use the location based-search. 

Once you have found the best influencers for your needs, make a connection. It often helps to offer these influencers some free samples of your products so they can mention and promote these products or services to their following. Now that you have been validated by a well-known influencer, you can begin to collect referral followers and increase the amount of traffic heading to your site.  


If you have already been cultivating your business on other social media channels like Facebook, Snapchat, or Twitter, you can begin sending your following over to Instagram. Simply include links to your Instagram account to your followers and invite them to follow you on Instagram as well. But this is done most effectively as part of a cross-promotion ad campaign between Instagram and your other social media platforms. Facebook can be connected directly to your Instagram account. 

It’s all very simple, simply go to the settings section of your Facebook account found on the left column. Then click the “add account” button in the Instagram ads section. Once you have connected these accounts your ads on Instagram will also be available on Facebook and vice versa.   

Run a contest 

Instagram contests are one of the greatest ways to attract a following of interested and excited followers to brand awareness while increasing business exposure at the same time. First, make it as easy as you can for your followers to join the competition. For example, use the “like to win” contest and simply ask your followers to like a certain post to be entered into the contest. 

The effort required for the attention collected is minimal and you can easily boost the level of interaction you are enjoying with your customers with something easy like a photo challenge. For example, an easy competition would be to ask your followers to post a photo with a specific hashtag the most creative wins the prize. But speaking of which, make sure you have an attractive prize that will entice your followers to take action. If you are a fashion brand, you can gift a special item of clothing or even a fashionable watch.  

For best results, wait until you have built up a strong engagement with earlier contests so your followers know that there is something good around the corner. It is a good idea to buy Instagram followers as if an account has more followers it piques new followers’ interest in turn boosting your organic following.

 Post consistently 

To keep your followers engaged you will need to supply them with a bountiful supply of fresh content. This begins with you having a clear mind of why you are posting and who you are trying to attract. Consider how each post will shape the overall theme and spirit of your Instagram feed. For more precise control over this, begin by considering what your theme and style will look like. This will make it easy for you to choose your individual posts that align with your goals and think of new photo ideas.  

Use hashtags and emojis 

Never underestimate the strength of hashtags and emojis when increasing your discoverability and building traction with your audience. You can use as many as 30 different hashtags for each post. When users are looking for a specific type of service or product, they will only need to enter a certain term into their search and all the hashtags related to this term will be provided instantly. Therefore, hashtags can greatly increase the visibility of the brand and to those looking for similar products and services. 

And Emojis are also searchable on Instagram, so choose those that really reflect the spirit of your company and the products and services you are offering. Statistics show that nearly 50% of all captions these days include emojis, so take the time to choose the ones that provide that personal touch you want to connect to your brand as this can lead to improved invisibility.