Complete and Only Gun Safety Checklist You’ll Ever Need

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( — January 10, 2022) —

Owning a firearm is one of the best ways to defend yourself and your family against intruders. Becoming familiar with a firearm will also help reduce the fear of guns and increase your knowledge of them. When you learn gun safety and know how to properly handle different types of guns, you can learn how to use them safely to your benefit without the fear of an accident happening.

If you’re a first-time gun buyer or planning to become one, then there are a few things you should do first. You don’t need to jump right into owning a gun before learning how to handle one with care. Before you enter the world of gun ownership, be sure to know these gun safety tips listed below.

Continue reading to find out more.

Start With a Firearm Class

Before you ever purchase your first gun, a good starting point is taking a firearm class. There are several different firearm classes you can take to help better your understanding of guns and how to handle them. For example, you can take a concealed weapons course, such as the one available at

You can also take a variety of shooting classes to help you learn how to aim and fire a gun properly. There’s no limit on how many shooting courses you take, so feel free to meet up with your instructor as many times as you need to feel completely comfortable shooting a gun on your own.

Once you feel more comfortable with it, you can then visit the shooting range on your own and practice with a gun rental offered by the range. This also gives you the perfect opportunity to try out a few different types of guns, which will help you find the gun you want.

Never Point the Gun at Anything You Don’t Want to Shoot

Here’s a safety rule you’ll learn from an instructor after taking a gun safety course, but it’s never a bad idea to get a refresher. You never want to point your gun at anything you don’t want to shoot. The gun should always stay pointed at a target, even when placed down.

The only time it shouldn’t be pointed at the target is when it’s back inside its case. This is true even if the gun is unloaded.

Unload Your Firearm When Not in Use

When you’re not using your firearm, it should be unloaded. Secure the ammunition in a safe place. Only keep your gun loaded when you’re ready to shoot it.

It’s solely your responsibility to keep the gun and ammunition safe and away from children or adults who aren’t authorized to use it. After using your gun, be sure to unload it immediately to prevent possible ammunition from remaining inside the chamber.

Handle All Guns as if They’re Loaded

Even though you unload your gun after each use and store ammunition in a safe place, you want to treat every single gun you touch as if it’s loaded with the safety off. This is true even for an unloaded gun with the safety on. You also never want to rely on your safety.

When you treat every gun as if it’s loaded with the safety off, you can prevent gun accidents and injuries from occurring.

Know What’s Behind Your Target

Another important aspect of gun safety is to always know what’s beyond your target. When shooting your gun, there’s always the possibility of missing your target. Even professional shooters will be aware of what’s behind their target and cease-fire if there’s someone near or behind the target.

Always be aware of your surroundings and never shoot your gun at a target if there’s someone or something behind it that you don’t want to possibly shoot.

Wear Ear and Eye Protection When Shooting

It’s also essential to wear all ear and eye protection when shooting your firearm. Proper safety gear is essential when at the range. Shooting ranges won’t allow you to practice firing your gun on the range without this safety gear.

Exposure to the noise created when a gun is fired can cause hearing damage or issues. Eye protection will protect your eyes from firearm malfunctions, clay target chips, and much more.

Clean Your Gun Properly and Regularly

Don’t forget to purchase gun cleaning essentials as well. You’ll want to clean your gun on a regular basis to prevent firearm failure or malfunction. It’s also important to understand how to clean a gun properly to prevent any accidents from happening.

Take your time learning from an experienced gun owner how to clean your gun.

Store Your Gun in a Safe Place

Once you feel comfortable enough to purchase your first firearm, do be sure to store your gun in a safe place. Purchase a gun case and a case for your ammunition as well. Make sure you have a way to lock each case from unauthorized use.

Then, be sure to keep each case in a secured place inside your home. You want to prevent anyone who shouldn’t be accessing the gun from accessing it. There are many great gun safety boxes and other gun storage features you can look into for your home.

Place Gun Safety at the Top of Your Priority List

When considering becoming a new gun owner, be sure to place gun safety at the top of your priority list. Taking a gun safety course is one of the first steps you can take. Then, the more you learn about firearms and firearm safety, the more comfortable and safe you’ll feel handling and firing your gun.

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