Why Unexpected Gifts Make the Best Presents

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(Newswire.net — January 21, 2022) — Most people expect to receive some kind of gift for special occasions like their birthday, anniversary, or holidays. However, you don’t need to wait for a special occasion to send someone a gift.

The gifts people give for winter holidays like Christmas and Hanukah are traditionally things the person has already said they want. Kids give their parents a list of toys they’d like and the parents get as many as they can and add in some extra surprises. Adults do the same thing. This type of gift-giving is fun, but it’s not the only way to show people you care.

Unexpected gifts are the best gifts

Nothing beats getting a gift from someone when you’re not expecting anything. Being thought of for the holidays is one thing, but it’s nice when people go out of their way to think of you without a prompt.

What makes the best surprise gift?

What do people give for occasion-less occasions? Often, it’s something timeless, like jewelry. Women especially love receiving jewelry as a gift. There are so many popular styles to choose from, including jewelers who source their stones ethically, like John Atencio.

Other fun gift ideas include customized quote bracelets, coffee mugs, bookmarks, and personalized items like bottle openers and stationery.

People love surprises

Most people love surprises, and the more the better. Whenever you give a gift, the recipient will be surprised by what’s inside. However, giving an unexpected gift adds another layer of surprise to the whole experience.

The love of surprises is rooted in brain science. Neuroscientists have found that the brain enjoys unexpected pleasures more than expected ones. Experiments have shown that people respond more positively to unexpected pleasure than stimuli they already enjoy. That’s really interesting because it seems to support the idea that the surprise itself is the reward.

When people are thrilled to receive an unexpected gift, they’ll be more likely to maintain a sentimental connection to that gift given the heightened emotional response. People do tend to form stronger memories and stronger connections in situations where intense emotion is involved.

Surprises make people feel appreciated

The feeling of appreciation is perhaps one of the most significant reasons people love surprises. Imagine coming home from a long day at work and your roommate or significant other has cooked your favorite meal.

It’s nice that you don’t have to cook, but more than that, that experience will make you feel appreciated. Someone took the time to not only cook for you, but they made your favorite meal.

Small gifts make the best surprise gifts

Many people say it’s the little things that matter most and that’s absolutely true. Often, it’s the small gifts that make the best surprises. What makes a gift memorable isn’t the cost of the item or experience, but the quality. For instance, you can give someone a pile of cash, but they’ll always remember being taken to the movies or a nice restaurant for dinner.

Some of the best small gift ideas include:

  • Taking someone to their favorite restaurant
  • Ordering dinner for delivery and watching a movie at home
  • Getting a babysitter and having a night out
  • Gifting something your recipient has wanted for a long time
  • Finding something rare or hard to find that your recipient has longed for
  • Chipping in with others to plan a surprise party
  • A full-body massage or other body treatment your recipient prefers

What surprise gift will you give next?

Surprises are fun, and nothing beats giving gifts that aren’t expected. It’s a great way to make people feel loved and appreciated. Surprise gifts show people that you’re genuinely thinking of them and not just going through the motions for a special occasion.

What kind of surprises would you like to give your friends and family? Whether you give a massage, a movie, or a piece of jewelry, the recipient of your gift will feel special and appreciated when you give unexpectedly.