How to Correctly Measure Your Wheels Before Buying?

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( — March 17, 2022) — Occasionally, you may find yourself in a situation where you want a replacement for your existing wheels. There can be multiple reasons for the switch but two of the major concerns are – (i) you don’t like their performance or (ii) you don’t like their style. Both of these can result from choosing wheels that do not fit correctly. If this is it, we are sure you want more than just a set of common wheels. Switching and getting a new pair of custom wheels can add personality and perk up your vehicle, giving it a new look. Moreover, with the right fit, you will know the difference between performing and just spinning around.

But the question is – ‘’How do you pick the right wheels for your vehicle?’’ It is not as easy as looking at it and making a decision. You cannot just pick a set because it looks stunning; it doesn’t work that way. The fit and size are two things to start off with and then style comes into the picture. Measurement needs to be taken into consideration if you want those perfect custom wheels for your vehicle.

To understand which set will work for your vehicle, we have listed out some of the easiest ways to correctly measure and choose your wheels. Also, 24- inch rims are up for sale! (Just another reason to make your switch).

To start off with, there are 5 basic key measurements that you need to assess while selecting custom rims. You will have to measure the following  –

i.  The diameter 

ii.  The width 

iii. Bolt pattern 

iv. Offset 

v.  Backspacing 

1. Measuring the Diameter – The Correct Way 

For measuring the wheel diameter, you need to follow these 5 easy steps.

i.  Get an accurate, undamaged measuring tape.

ii. Lay down your custom rim on a flat/even surface.

iii. Pull the measuring tape across so that it bisects your wheel into halves.

iv. Correctly measure the distance from the exterior edge of the wheel’s lip to the barrel. Barrel here refers to the flat surface in between a rim’s width.

v. Now, subtract the height of the lip from the diameter twice. This will give you the actual diameter of your custom wheel.

For example – The outer diameter is 26 inches, lip extends 1 inch out from the barrel. Now, when you subtract the lip twice, you will get your actual diameter, i.e., 24 inches.

2. Measuring the Width 

Measuring the width of the wheel is almost the same as measuring the wheel’s diameter.

i. Turn your custom wheel upright so that it is resting on its lips.

ii. Correctly place the measuring tape from one lip to the bottom lip. Know that wheel width is measured from inside of one lip to another.

iii. Write down the measurement.

Your wheel width is generally sized in 0.5 increments, so if your measurement doesn’t end in 0 or 5, you will have to measure again.

3. Measuring the Bolt Pattern

Bolt pattern refers to the number of studs that hold a wheel’s lug nuts.

i. Lay down the wheel; make sure the bolts are facing towards you.

ii. Bolts are typically in a pattern of 4,5,6 or 8, so count the bolts and write down the number.

iii. Measure from the middle of the two opposite bolts.

iv. Write down the measurement.

With the help of these measurements, you will get the overall dimension of your custom rims. Many wheel manufacturers have cast the diameter and width on the backside of the wheel.

4. Measuring the Offset and Backspacing

Offset refers to the distance from the hub mounting surface of the wheel to the centerline. This is one of the important measurements to keep in mind while choosing your next 24-inch rims that are by the way on sale. This results in three different types of offset –

i. Positive Offset – The hub mounting surface of the wheel is towards the face

ii. Negative Offset – The hub mounting surface of the wheel is towards the back

 iii. Zero Offset – The hub mounting surface of the wheel is at the centerline

Backspacing refers to the distance between the hub to the bottom lip of the wheel. When used together, offset and backspacing can be used to calculate a wheel’s brake clearance. For this, you need to do is –

i. Measure the width of the wheel from its upper lip to the bottom lip of the wheel

ii. Divide the width into half to get the center of your rim

iii. Turn the rim and measure the backspacing and note down the number

iv. Subtract the center of the rim from backspacing to find your offset.

If the number is in a positive value, then you have a positive offset for your wheels; if the number is in a negative value, then your rims will have a negative offset.

To sum up…

If you find the right measurement, you will face no trouble while picking the right custom wheels for your vehicle. The 24-inch rims are for sale to make your selection process easier. Also, know that you don’t have to take these measurements on your own. You can always seek help from a professional wheel expert. So, now you can stop by and get the wheels that will not only look good but also fit perfectly.

Happy selection!