More Families Found to Suffer COVID-Related Mental Health Issues

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( — March 23, 2022) Orlando, FL — Covid-19 has not just changed the quality of life and health of millions of people around the globe but has also taken a toll on the mental health of many.

New research has found that in the first months of the pandemic, parents revealed their children were experiencing much higher levels of “internalizing” issues, such as anxiety and depression. They also had “externalizing” problems like disruptive and aggressive behavior, than before the pandemic.

Further, they reported that they themselves also experienced much higher levels of depression. The levels of co-parenting quality with their partners also lessened. 

The results of this interesting research were published in the Family Process journal.

According to Mark Feinberg, research professor of health and human development at Penn State, the results give insight into just how devastating periods of family and social stress can be for parents and children, and how important a good co-parenting relationship can be be be for family well-being.

“Stress in general — whether daily hassles or acute, crisis-driven stress — typically leads to greater conflict and hostility in family relationships,” Feinberg added.

“If parents can support each other in these situations, the evidence from past research indicates that they will be able to be more patient and more supportive with their children, rather than becoming more harsh and angry.”

The researchers suggest that understanding what is helpful to parents in maintaining positive parenting practices, such as a positive co-parenting relationship, is key for keeping children protected during any future crises. 

In cross-sectional studies, it’s shown that the pandemic produces a negative effect on families. This research is one of the first to estimate just how much these factors have changed within families prior to the onset of and after the pandemic. 

Over the years, researchers have long been revealing some remedies helpful in maintaining mental health. There are many factors involved and one is diet as there are certain foods found to be significantly useful in fighting off mental health issues. 

There are also the ones experts warn against such as junk and processed foods, which contain toxins and chemicals. It is important to realize that toxin buildup in the body has long been linked with certain undesirable health outcomes, especially for the brain.

Aside from reducing intake of toxin-laden foods, it may also be helpful to cleanse the body. Body detox may help eliminate chemicals and substances that could otherwise take a toll on brain health. 

One of the ways to have a body cleanse is to use formulas like Divine Bounty Activated Charcoal.  (

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Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty has carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at

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