4 Common Car Shipping Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

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(Newswire.net — May 19, 2022) –Have you finally decided to ship your car but are worried about making a mistake and ending with an exorbitant bill or a damaged vehicle? Well, don’t worry. We’re here to help. Using a car shipping service is actually quite easy if you take the time to prepare beforehand and ensure both you and your vehicle are ready.

Mistake 1: Shipping Your Vehicle Without Calling the Carrier

One of the easiest ways for things to go wrong when shipping your vehicle is if you neglect to contact the carrier beforehand. You should call at least three weeks before you want your vehicle picked up so that they can schedule it ahead of time and know how much space they’ll need. Also, ask them if they can load certain items that you want with the vehicle, like spare tires and pillows.

Mistake 2: Skipping Under Vehicle Inspections and Cleaning

Just like you wouldn’t have a professional prepare your house before putting it on the market, neither should you take the time to get your vehicle ready for shipping. Just because you’ll have to pay someone to do it doesn’t mean that it’s something that you can skim over. If your car is sold online, they will usually have an inspector look over it before bidding begins, but if you go through private sales instead, you need to make sure that your vehicle is in as good shape as possible. When paying for shipping services from a shipper, some will arrange for all necessary inspections and cleaning on-site for free. The only service that you will have to pay for is the price of the shipping itself.

Mistake 3: Not Having a Vehicle Tracking Device on the Car

Having your car tracked is an important part of ensuring that you know where your vehicle is. There is even a GPS tracking device that we’ll install free of charge to give you real-time updates while the car is being transported. It’s also an excellent way to avoid getting ripped off since it will be obvious if anyone tampers with the vehicle while it’s in transit.

Mistake 4: Not Getting Insurance

Sometimes, people neglect to get insurance for shipping cars because they feel like it’s too expensive or unnecessary. But in fact, it’s a good idea to get insurance on your vehicle if you’re sending it overseas. There are generally two types of coverage that you can choose from, one which is just one-way insurance, and the other is multi-conveyance insurance. A single-conveyance policy will pay for damage or theft while the car moves from one location to another. A multi-conveyance policy will cover both the cost of repairs and the replacement of important parts once it arrives at their final destination.

Shipping a car can be an intimidating process, but with the right help, it can become a breeze. Follow these tips to avoid some of the most common mistakes people make when shipping their vehicles, and you’ll be on your way to an easy process that leads to an even easier life in your new country.