How To Write the Perfect Essay in 7 Steps

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( — July 1, 2022) — You’ve been thinking about it all semester, and you know it’s time to write your essay. The only problem? You have no idea where to start, what to include, or how to write it in the most professional way possible. Or maybe you’re having trouble with your essay due to personal or health problems and deadlines are looming over your head. Either way, this article on how to write my essay will provide you with the basic steps needed to help you create an A+ paper that really makes an impression on your instructor and earn the grade you deserve!

Step 1: Understand your topic

Before you start writing, make sure you know what your essay is about. You’re not writing your essay for fun; you’re writing it to convey a specific message to your reader. Know what you want them to take away from your paper, and write it at the beginning of your paper so that you don’t forget it as you go along. It also helps motivate you: if they know why they’re reading, they’ll be more receptive to what they are reading. If you need help understanding your topic, try searching for an online textbook or dictionary definition. If all else fails, ask your teacher!

Step 2: Create an Outline

Building an outline is a crucial step in your essay-writing process. It helps you structure your thoughts and provides a plan for mapping out each body paragraph, as well as suggesting other sources you can cite. Remember, you’re writing an argumentative essay with a specific angle or central focus; once you have that angle clearly defined and fully mapped out, it will be much easier to create your outline and write your essay.

Step 3: Gather your thoughts

Jot down notes about your essay’s thesis and/or general topic. Use these notes as a reminder of your ideas or thoughts, but don’t start with an empty page. Get some (but not all) of your ideas out on paper before you begin writing. You want to avoid writer’s block by having something—anything—to work from. If you do find yourself stuck while composing your first draft, it might be helpful to take a break and return later when you can approach it with fresh eyes.

Step 4: Write your introduction

Typically, essay introductions are either a hook or an exposition. The exposition method is a lot like an elevator pitch—it provides your reader with a quick overview of what you’re about to discuss. A hook, on the other hand, draws your reader into your topic and makes them want to keep reading. A good way to figure out which type of introduction will work best for you is by asking yourself these questions: Who am I writing for? What do they already know? What do they need to know?

Step 5: Start writing!

Now that you’ve got a thesis statement and a solid outline, it’s time to write. You can type, handwrite or use a combination of both! The important thing is just getting started. You can edit it later; right now, just get something down on paper or into your computer. It doesn’t have to be perfect—and you certainly shouldn’t wait until it is before moving forward with your work! If you find it hard to move from here, then you should consider using any of these

Step 6: Add details to flesh out your essay

Don’t be afraid to write a lot; you can always cut your essay down later. For now, focus on making sure you include all of your thoughts—don’t just skim through and add words here and there. This way, you know that when it comes time to edit, you won’t miss anything important. When adding details about yourself or things that inspire or influence you, for example, take some time to really think about what shapes your personality and motivates your actions.

Step 7: Proofread, proofread, proofread!

You can’t edit a blank page, and you’re not going to get anything right if you don’t read through your essay one last time for errors. This is especially important if you have used any sources or quotes. Even experts occasionally forget to use a proper citation. Ask a friend who is good at grammar, make use of or use software like Grammarly, which points out mistakes so you can fix them.


Eric WardWorking full-time as a Senior Marketing Manager for one of the biggest IT companies in the US, I also enjoy helping college students with their homework. Work with me if you need help with an essay, case study, or term paper. I have an MBA degree and I’m fully committed to helping you with any pending Marketing or Management assignment.